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January 14th, 2009

[Jan. 14th, 2009|01:34 am]

One upon a time, gods walked among men.

The community of divinity, creatures that call themselves the Theoi, ruled the ancient world with impunity.

They were cruel.

They were selfish.

Masters of intrigue, they built empires of human flesh, demanding allegiance and punishing those who dared wake their wrath. These Theoi, petty and self-absorbed, slathered their bodies in finery and their swords in blood. Crops of men and women fell in endless wars, their sacrifices necessary to fuel the gods’ bottomless lust for conquest.

It was a good time to be divine.

Then came the god of the Jews. First known as El-Shaddai, a godling of the mountain, he quickly became the singular pillar around which the three monotheistic faiths would build their synagogues, churches and mosques. The Theoi scoffed at his impudence, for even in their lust for dominion over man, they never declared the other gods as non-existent.

It was absurd.

It was ludicrous.

It was the coming of the one, True God.

And he did come. The Theoi were cast to the winds. Once made strong on the blood and belief of humankind, they now withered and turned to dust. Their idols were smashed, temples brought to ruin. Their names were cast out of mind. The Theoi, once the hunters, were now the hunted.

Many of them fell, either to the fiery righteousness of the monotheists, or collapsed into nothingness like the well that no longer provides water.

But was that enough to be rid of them?

The Theoi do not die – at least not as men and women do. They faded into the background, easily moving among their former flocks. And so, while the monotheistic faiths squabble over who worships the One God correctly, and millions of humans turn to technology and media as their new deities of choice, the ancient Theoi watch and wait.

Is it worth it?

Only the Theoi could tell you.

Cado Superum

Cado Superum is a brand new RPG. Open now to new characters, the first plot line begins 2.1.09. Many many characters are still available!
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