Advertise your dark role playing games here. - May 11th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Advertise your dark role playing games here.

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May 11th, 2008

On Livejournal [May. 11th, 2008|01:29 am]
{ Croatoan. }
A brand new multifandom game set in a small Canadian town in Ontario,
called Sioux Lookout. Any fandom is accepted, just so long as the fandom is of the horror, thriller, action, fantasy genre. Inspired by the episode from Supernatural. Very similar to that episode, with the twist of being captured and put in a town full of dangerous creatures.
{ Storyline. }
Remember that old John White story from the 1500's? Same concept, except that you awaken alone, confused and unknown to your whereabouts. There is barely anybody in the town, but the people that you do find... are violent killers. Ghosts, demons, vampires,
spirits, murderers and hunters are out there. A virus has crawled its way into the
town, and the only way to stay unaffected, is to keep the infected blood
from your own, or you'll become one of the violent.

Are you the hunter or the hunted?

{ Info } { Regulations } { Apply } { Taken/Held }

Game opening @ 13 Members
Kaden ~ OnDeadRadio
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