Sep. 11th, 2014




Crystal here. Readjusted my character roster, so please have a look and lemme know if I can fill in any more slots with your lovelies <3



Dee's Plotting Thread

Redoing this because I've dropped one and picked up a few more. Anybody want interaction with one of mine, reply here or IM me. I am always looking for plots!

*lemmings* )

Sep. 10th, 2014



[No Subject]

Hey loves. I've got some major family stuff going on in my life right now, plus I'm out of town this weekend for a wedding, so I may be quiet/scarce for a few days. Just a head's up.


Aug. 24th, 2014



Beth here....

because I'm apparently obsessed with characters (I blame all of you for that), I have two new ones to share. This here is James Wyatt. He's a wealthy businessman who's been building influence in Chicago for a couple of years now. He's power hungry, assertive and gets what he wants (or so he thinks). He's also having an affair with Elise Hammond, so there's that ;) He could definitely use connections, family, exes, enemies, etc. ;)

I also have Lucy [info]learntosurvive, a rambling, fun loving telepathic stripper who occasionally helps out the police department when they need specific information. She's completely open for connections as well (and needs a roomie!). Friends, etc. So... yes please!

Aug. 22nd, 2014



New Character

Hey all! Lin here with a new character. This here is Braedan de Cozette. She's a detective who formerly worked for the NYPD, and has recently moved to Chicago after her suspension from the force back in New York was lifted. She'll soon be a part of the SCU team. She's also a werebat of the born variety. She can use friends, connections, etc.

Aug. 12th, 2014



Just a heads' up!

Due to an oversight entirely on the parts of us moderators, we're going to ask everybody to go back through their bios and remove any weaknesses or strengths they might have listed that would be common to their supernatural affinity. If your character is a were, then they're allergic to silver. This is not an individual weakness, but a species flaw. Similarly, if you're a magic user, using magic is part of your class and it isn't required for you to list it as one of your character's personal strengths. Since the bios were approved before we realized what an issue it is and how much confusion this was causing, you don't have to come up with new traits to replace these. We're just trying to make it less confusing for new players.

If you have any questions or concerns about what we mean by this, then please contact us. This is our oversight and we don't want to cause more confusion.

So sorry again.

The moderators

Aug. 7th, 2014



24 hour warning!

The time update will go up tomorrow! If you've got any last minute scenes that you would like to squeeze in, go ahead and put up placeholders for those scenes.

Happy playing!

Aug. 3rd, 2014


[No Subject]

So hi. I'm Cee. This is Felicity Smoak Leonora Hollins, older sister to April Hollins. She goes by Nora mostly. Her family calls her Nosy Nora. She can't deny it, though she prefers to call her nosiness "healthy curiosity". She just wants to know all the things, really, which she thinks is perfectly reasonable. It's also perfectly reasonable to question people about things she doesn't know, whether they're friends or not. Nora doesn't typically think before she speaks. She's sort of working on that.

Basically she's a resident at the hospital, working in the ER with a focus on emergency medicine. She's great at what she does. She's smart enough to understand what she's presented with, and open minded enough that she's willing to take a creative approach in order to fix it. She likes her facts, but she knows better than to think something isn't possible.

So that's a bit about Nora :). She'll be poking her head out soon. Full of questions, naturally.

Jul. 28th, 2014



Crystal's Roster

storylines )

Jul. 27th, 2014



New character

Okay, I meant to do this a few days ago, but since he has the least immediate ties of my characters (besides Isis, who could use some plots too when she stops being difficult), I am pimping him out. The rest of my boys are getting all the love.

He's married to Jayne [info]ladyinthestreet, and is the new owner of the Stumble Inn (even though he's been basically running it for the last couple of years because Dante is busy). He goes to the same gym Ebony does and knows Olivia from his 'dark past'. He'd friendly and outgoing, known for his ridiculous sense of humor, sleight of hand tricks, and impressions while waiting on customers.

Jul. 26th, 2014



July Timeline

timeline )

Jul. 25th, 2014


new peeps

hey hey! beth here. I've got two new characters to toss into the mix. This is Olivia, a part time hunter, full time thief who has been in Chicago for only the last few months. She's probably come through Chicago in the past, so it's always possible she may know a few people in passing.

And then [info]underthefull, Luke, who is Gavin's older brother. He's a detective with the SCU, among other things! He needs connections too. :) friends, exes, etc. <3!

Jul. 24th, 2014



Lines Wanted

I've got some lines I'd like to see my kiddies get into.

Luther here could use some friends, now that he's pretty much decided to stick around the Windy City. Also, I thought maybe he could get a job working at Rosie's, maybe as a bartender. And maybe he could eventually work his way into the McCreary pack. That is if they might take outsiders into their fold.

With Gracie, she could use friends to hang out with. Also, she could use someone/friend she feels comfortable confiding in about her sexuality. My first thought with that was Aidan, as they both seem to be struggling with the same issues.

Feel free to tag here or ping me on AIM if you have any interest in anything above.


Jul. 23rd, 2014



Plotting Post - Seeking volunteers

Alright, there will be an on going plot for the next several game months. During the beginning stages of this plot, there will be the need for volunteers who would like to offer up some of their characters for a terrifying experience. All volunteers welcome. Don't worry, your characters won't die! They will, however, be scared shitless and likely have residual nightmares from an experience they'll have. So, who wants to play a game?
