Dark Blue Fic's Journal
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Thursday, November 4th, 2010

    Time Event
    authors choice #196 - I feel your eyes caressing
    today's "daily prompt" is...

    authors choice #196 - "I feel your eyes caressing me." - any pairing - any length:

    Write a story, ficlet, drabble, snippet, slice of life [or a series of stories] around this theme. Go to the extreme on this.

    1. Your character tells another...."I feel your eyes caressing me." Is it a romantic moment, or creepy? Does that feeling change? Tell us a story.
    2. Or....Go off in a direction all your own...Let the prompt infect you & carry you to greater heights of creativity.
    Happy writing, folks

    Please link back to this site when using the prompts on other sites so interested folk can find it easily

    FINAL NOTE: Would be nice to see some stories on the comm. Prompt generated or not

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