Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
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9th September 2007 16:02 - Art (NC 17) - The Conception of Rubeus Hagrid (Hagrid's parents)
Artist: [info]blackcoyote
Theme/kinks: July 2007 open kinks; Macrophilia (being aroused by a giant being) & outdoor sex.
Warnings see under the cut
Rating: NC 17 (sex scene), NWS!
Medium: Artrage2, Photoshop2, lead pencil.
Compliant to: All books

Title: The Conception of Rubeus Hagrid
Pairing/s: Canon pairing (Hagrid's parents)
Warnings: Het, full frontal female nudity, female genitalia, full rear male nudity, sex scene, Inter-species (both humanoid) copulation, otherwise pretty vanilla.
Summary: Minerva McGonagall revisits a Pensieve memory of her and Dumbledore.
Notes/Disclaimer: Well, it's pretty well canon or close to it... Long have I wondered how Hagrid's father managed to do what he did with a giantess. Now I've drawn it, it doesn't seem quite as impossible. The characters depicted in this image (c) J. K. Rowling, Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic, and Warner Brothers.

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