Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
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4th January 2011 12:03
Usually I approach anything with Sirius in it hesitantly (or just plain run away in the opposite direction). I am happy that I didn't in this case, because the story was beautiful, well-written, with good characterisation and damned hot sex (which hit a kink or two *blushes*). The end was the logical conclusion to the thing, sad, but... yeah. It made the story more intense, more real in a way. I liked your Sirius a lot.

The drawings were the perfect companion pieces to the fic. Especially the last one was wonderful and caught precisely the description of Remus in those last lines.

I also need to say that I am impressed that the author was able to keep all those limbs in line during the smexx - not easy to get an arm or a leg too many... :D
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