Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
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17th October 2008 16:03
Oh goodness, this is wonderful. I want to leave a much better comment than I am afraid this one will turn out to be, but my brain's a bit fried right now. Still, though:

The humor here is subtle enough that the wistful echoes of reality in the fic stand out beautifully against it. Charlie's lovely, and Molly's so real, and there are far too many fics where everyone's all, "Yay Gay!" which is, sadly, not the way it is, or likely will ever be. And I like how you dealt with this in Molly's case: a bit sad about it, but her love for her brother and for her son (and grandson, eventually) overshadow the sadness for her but don't erase it.

Anyway, hi, I'm rambling. Love this, love your characterization. Going to go rec it now.
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