Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
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19th September 2008 06:15 - Shiver me timbers, matey. What those men be doin'?
Title: On the Other Side
Artist: [info]littleblackbow
Media: Pen and ink
Characters: Dumbledore/Grindlewald
Rating: Hard R
Warnings: NWS
Themes/kinks chosen: Confessions
Artist's notes: Aargh Mateys. Here be one o' them Fan arts ye be lookin' fer. blisterin' barnicles, it be somethin' this old chumbucket never ventured a'fore. There be problems a-plenty in it, but it's twenty lashes and a-walkin' of the plank for any of me crew that's unkind!

(I wanted to do an afterlife pic. Sort of a purgatory thing. Hope that came across)

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