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D2: Electric Boogaloo

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[28 May 2012|03:10pm]

Oh yeah, all comments will be screened.
Name: Your character’s name should be Japanese, barring exceptional circumstances. Please provide the name in Western order (First name, Last name).
Arcana: All characters must have an arcana affiliation, whether they’re normal students or persona users. Check the spreadsheet to see who has what.
Character type: Persona user or not?
Age: Since we’re doing our best to keep every character in the same classroom, most characters should be between fifteen and sixteen years old.
Year: All persona users should be first year. If not, please explain why.

Concept: Try to sum up your character idea in one sentence.
PB: We only accept animated PBs in this game. If you app with a very well-known PB, you may be asked to change it. A list of taken PBs can be found [link]
Physical Description: Anything your character’s PB doesn’t cover -- build, distinctive marks, fashion, etc.
Personality: Should be self-explanatory.
Public History: The parts of your character’s past that would be common knowledge and they would happily divulge.

RP sample: Please use third person. A link is acceptable, and a few paragraphs are preferred.
Misc/Additional: Anything the app hasn’t covered thus far that you’d like to add. Height, weight, blood type, the like.

Combat Info
Combat information should only be completed for persona users.
Starting Persona: MANDATORY. This is the persona your character begins the game with, or rather, will have first.
Archetype: In battle, which role does your character fill - Defense, Offense, Healer or Support?
Weapon: A sword, a dagger, a .. yo-yo? All weapon types are accepted, though every character must have a unique type of weapon. This does not mean one character gets ALL swords, but that one character might have katanas, and the next broadswords. See the spreadsheet for what is taken.
Stats: Your character will start with a pool of [to be determined] points to distribute amongst their attributes. For a list of attributes and what they affect, see [link].

History: The parts of their history that they would like to hide the most, and/or are the most formative.
Key Conflict: The major difficulties and problems your character is currently facing, and the one that will be their main personal struggle throughout the game.
Possible Personae: If you have ideas for what your character's personae may evolve into, list them here. This section is optional.

Name: Whatever you’d prefer we address you as.
Age: You needn’t give us your exact age if you’re not comfortable with that, but you must tell us if you’re above or under 16.
AIM Handle: AIM is vital to this game, and the group behind it. If you haven’t got an AIM handle, we’ll be happy to help you get one set up.
E-mail: Optional, if this is your preferred method of contact.

Introduction: Tell us a little about yourself. Put whatever you want here, but please include bits of your roleplay history - we'd like to know if you're a beginner or a veteran.
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New Arcana. [21 May 2012|10:58pm]

Arcana are being selected now.


People who were sure and definitive about their arcana were given first choice.
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Combat discussion. [19 May 2012|04:22pm]

Alright guys, after some hiccups with the current plan, we've decided to have a little sit down (thread) where we discuss what we want out of the combat system, and how to best implement it to where it's enjoyable for everyone and hopefully get it to the point where it's actually fun and satisfying (as much as JRPG combat can be...) to fight shadows and earn your XP and loots.

Please give me your input in.

1) What you'd like combat to involve.
2) What you don't want it to involve.
3) Leveling up.
4) Gear, loot, and how to acquire it.
5) Status effects
6) Passives
7) Character uniqueness in combat.
8) Social link tying in - yes or no, ideas welcomed.
9) Team attacks.
10) Limit breaks/knock down attacks
11) Anything else you can think of.

Finally, if you have suggestions or ideas for a system, feel free to bring it to our attention.
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Questions [16 May 2012|11:13am]

Ask us questions about Z. Any questions. Character questions, setting questions, plot questions, combat questions. You'll be doing us a huge favor and helping us along. NO MATTER HOW SILLY THE QUESTION.
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Basic character info. [15 May 2012|08:02pm]

Lots of people are either editing their characters, or have created new ones completely, so let's get some crap straight.

Name: Obvious.
Gender: Obvious.
Age: Obvious.
Physical description: Brief. Basics such as height, hair and eye color, distinguishing things such as marks or the way they dress or move or whatever.
Personality: Brief as well.
Tropes: Pick out a few tropes that describe the basic feel of the character.
Arcana: Their card.
Persona: Starting persona.
Weapon: Weapon your character uses.
Local: Is your character a local -- yes or no.
Method of enrollment: Scholarship or MONEY?
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Combat, but mostly classes [15 May 2012|02:05pm]

We're trying to get it so combat will be painless, easy, and fun this time around, with a nice, automatic spreadsheet to do all the maths for us. That means that we can have a better balanced game, with less manual work for all of us, and it'll HOPEFULLY cut down on the time of combat, and bring most battles in line with what a real fight in real persona games are like.

So anyway.

Classes are a thing I'd really like to implement in the system, to give everyone their own unique THING, and with the new spreadsheet system we can hopefully implement unique mechanics and the like for everyone without overwhelming anyone.

If we can accomplish that, great, but I think some mechanics will be beyond the system, but we'll cross that bridge when we get there.

I have one big important question about classes I'd like you to answer right now.

Do you want to just pick the class for your character and be done with it, or do you want to tie it into persona evolutions ALA Seiken Densetsu 3? Currently the plan for persona upgrades is that you have your starter, then you upgrade and pick between "yin" and "yang" and then you upgrade again and do the same thing. The default number will be five, but people can have up to 7 if they decide to make the ultimate upgrade another individual branch instead. I'm thinking maybe we should tie classes into these upgrades. The basics of the class would remain the same, but the upgrade would change the focus of the class.

As an example: Kuroki is a Dark Knight. His base class focuses on dark magic, HP manipulation (using his own to augment his damage or stealing the health from enemies), statuses, and almighty magic. His starter class starts off with a decent focus on all of these, but tying the class to the persona upgrades means he gets two upgrades. If he goes into the yin path the first time, maybe his class starts focusing more on stealing HP, statuses, and offense, and if he goes yin again he only strengthens those abilities further. Each upgrade will come with an increase of base attributes, as well.

The other option is, of course, just stay with one class for the entire game.

Not sure if I conveyed this all properly, but if you have any questions, feel free to ask.

Edit: Been thinking on it, and the proposed system would be as such.

Starting Class
Name: Name of class
Persona: Name of Persona
Attributes: 35 points to distribute between HP, SP, STR, INT, END, AGI, LUK
Proficiencies: 5 points to distribute between the proficiencies found on the wiki.

Requirements: Level 15 and 5 points in self link
Name: Same
Persona: Same
Attributes: Add 6 points.
Proficiencies: Another 5 points

Ultimate Class
Requirements: Level 30 and max self link
Name: Same
Persona: Same
Attributes: Add another 6 points.
Proficiencies: Another 5 points.

This is just an example. Obvious the exact number of points could change, but. I'm also thinking that maybe those who choose to go the 7 persona route instead of 5 get a couple of extra points for the extra effort expended, but they won't be freebies and each persona must make sense as branches.
18 comments|post comment

Skill names [11 Oct 2010|12:14am]

I have the originality of a goldfish or something.

Either way, people need to suggest different names for skills.


So do it here.  Names especially, but if you want to try and come up with your own skills go ahead.
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Poll [29 Aug 2010|09:13pm]

Do you guys want weapons, armors, and accessories?

If so, in name only or do you want them to matter and affect combat?

Should weapons be on par, more important, or less important in terms of the damage your character deals?
14 comments|post comment

Club practice thread. [20 Aug 2010|07:29pm]

(( Remember the rules, er, guidelines!  Keep your posts short, hopefully below two paragraphs (or ten sentences) long.  One-sentence posts are acceptable.))

Band? )
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Questions and answers thread. [05 Aug 2010|08:39pm]

People ask you (or your character) questions, and you answer them.

Lisa's idea, idk.

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Wiki [28 Jul 2010|02:28am]

The wiki is:  http://www.kettledragon.net/zodiac/index.php?title=Main_Page

Right now the only thing you guys should be messing around with are the character pages.  If you have any questions, comments, criticisms, whatever, post 'em here in the comments or tell us on AIM.
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Clubs [24 Jul 2010|10:54pm]

Ideally, we'd like every character to be in a club - and to tend more towards sports clubs or culture clubs. The last bit isn't necessary, but it sets up a neat little divide and means we can have general meetings of "sports clubs" versus general meetings of "culture clubs" and it will give us more room to do things with them.

So! Right now I want your suggestions for clubs and ideas for what kind of clubs your character could be in. Also use this space to indicate if you want your character to be the leader of any given club.

Culture Clubs
AV(broadcasting), art, yearbook, newspaper, tea, ikebana, origami, shogi/chess/games, video games, anime, literature, glee, band, drama, cooking, board games, student council, anti-bullying club, occult, library committee, film, bunraku, robotics, math and science, academic team, foreign languages, astronomy.

Sports(?) Clubs
Swimming, tennis, track and field, basketball, boxing, soccer, baseball, softball, American football, volleyball, judo, kendo, badminton, ping-pong, cycling, wrestling, dancing, winter sports like skiing and snowboarding, surfing, gymnastics, hockey, roller derby, ice skating.
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FUCK YOU VOTE [22 Jul 2010|09:26pm]

Should physical stay one category or be broken up into piercing/blunt/slashing?
7 comments|post comment

Assistance. [18 Jul 2010|08:24am]

Do you need help with anything regarding Z?  Making a character, deciding on some of their potential persona or skills or class or weapon?  Coming up with a name or a basic concept?  Or just need a specific question answered?  Ask it here, but remember that we do want a PRIVATE history as well as a public one, so you shouldn't go spilling the beans about everything.
21 comments|post comment

Wanted thread. (FUCKING POST IN THIS THREAD YOU LOSERS) [15 Jul 2010|01:59am]

Want to see something in the game? A PB, a character, a game mechanic, a dungeon, a location or sub-plot? Post it here, and maybe you'll get it.
22 comments|post comment

More combat. [17 Jun 2010|07:28pm]

I want to know what you want for your character, combat wise.

Are they tank/DPS/healer/support?

What makes them different?  I don't want any boring "well they are a tank they take damage and that's it"

I want "well he's an ice mage who focuses on status, such as freezing things or cutting them with ice-shards to apply DoTs.." and yadda yadda yadda.

What we (tentatively) got )
68 comments|post comment

Updated Arcana list [09 Jun 2010|04:37pm]

Female: 7
Male: 6
Sexless: 1

*Devil (Pickle)
*Chariot (Ramen)
*Death (Viva)
*Temperance (Bel)
*Moon (James)
*Hanged Man (Alice)
*Hermit (Cara)
*Sun (Lisa)
*Hierophant (Sean)
*Emperor (Kendra)

Tentatively Claimed
Star (Jun)
Tower (Mads)
Swords (Anna)
Fortune (Mori)


* indicates that the arcana is unlikely to switch at this point. If you want your name asterisked then say so.
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Practice (it makes perfect) [30 Jan 2010|09:06pm]

Want to get in some practice with your up-and-coming character?  Want to try out completely different concepts, maybe if you're not feeling what you already have?  Do whatever you want here!  It's just a playground where you can do whatever you want with your character to get an idea for them (even play them across from the teenage versions of D1 characters, or play out some kind of crazy AU sci-fi land version of them!)
54 comments|post comment

Quicksheet [23 Jan 2010|05:24am]

This serves as something to glance at and know what is already taken.

Females: 7
Males: 6
First Year: 3
Second Year: 2
Third Year: 3 (No more unless you can convince us it's key to the character)

Fire magic: 1
Ice magic: 1?
Wind magic: 1
Light magic: 2
Dark magic: 1(possibly 2)
Water magic: 4 (TOO MANY)
Earth magic: 1
Electric magic: 0
Almighty Magic:
Physical: 3
Defensive: 3
Stealth: 1
Recovery: 2
Status: 2
Buffs/Debuffs: 2
: 1

Swords/Shields, staves, spear, yo-yos/rope-weapons, knives, fists and guns, whips, katanas, fireworks, clubs, kusarigamas/sickles/scythes,

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Character Sheet [23 Jan 2010|02:25am]



PB/Physical Appearance: (Include any distinguishing characteristics not included with PB)

Personality: (You can include bad habits, thinking patterns, and things that wouldn't be immediately obvious to observers, but keep mostly surface/"overt self" info here.)

Public History: (What people would already know or easily find out about your character)


Persona 1:
Persona 2:
Initial Skills:
Intended Skillset: (Just rough it out, doesn't need to be final. Can be left blank.)


Additional Misc. Info: (Whatever you like. Optional, obvs.)


Personality 2: Secrets, internal fears, "shadow self" information.

History 2: History that would be known only to closest confidants.

Trajectory: Tell us a bit about what kind of arc you have in mind, if any.
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