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[06 Nov 2009|12:06am]
i want to bring this girl in, and i'd love to get a couple basic lines. if anyone needs a family line, etc. she's going to be 17 and a senior at tegesta high and that's all i've really got for now.
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[06 Nov 2009|12:07am]
okay, i'll follow the bunch of people over here and beg for more lines as well. This is Alex Laporte and he's from Nasvhille, having moved here in grade 9. He was homeschooled until 12th grade and graduated with the class of 2009. Some interesting points that might bring them together is the fact that he loves country music (his mom is a country singer), he works in a bakery, and he loves tattoos. Hopefully this gets me more comments and line options than my last post!

EDIT: I am a moron. He's also in Key West!
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[06 Nov 2009|11:58am]
[ mood | mr presibrent ]

With all the crazy bullshit going on, i figured it might be a good time to pimp out Brent. Good or bad, anon is generating buzz, and I hope that the game stays afloat, and is given a second (third?) life. Right now, Brent has reached a very dark place in his life. With his Father passing away, his relationship with Blaine turning even more volatile than it has ever been, Brent has come to a point where he no longer believes that you get back what you put ou tin the world; that in the end good will always prevail. Forever, Brent has been known as the guy who takes the high road, who tries his best to do what's right, even if that's at his own expensive, but now he sees no point. The weak bitch that walked on a short leash for Blaine Herston for a year has been replaced with someone much more rebellious and vindictive. Everyone reaches their breaking point, and finally Brent has reached his. He remains at Yale, half assing his classes, and just really not giving a shit. I'm open to any lines, friends, more enemies, maybe some Yale students, or possibly even some family. I've mentioned he has sibling, so a Buchanan brother or sister coming into the mix could be interesting. Hell, we can go all Melrose Place (90's version) and have his Father's illegitimate child no one knew about crawl out from the woodwork!  Be creative!

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[06 Nov 2009|01:54pm]
[ mood | ren in tights ]

This is my attempt to get her more active and have her interact with more people despite all that's going on, since I love this game and this character. This is Serenity Jones, and only lets certain people call her Serenity without jumping to correct them. She was adopted by two gay men and arrived in Key West when she was 8 years old and has lived there up until the end of August when she moved to New York City, where she currently is, to go to the Fashion Institute of Technology. She's been laying low thanks to a lot of drama, but I'm really looking to get her jump started again. She's fun, loves to eat and bake and cook despite her skinny frame, works as a waitress in a bar/restaurant type place, loves TV, especially How I Met Your Mother, is a horror movie junkie, and lately instead of being confrontational with a lot of people, she's just laying back and ignoring most of the stuff that has been done, or being said about her. She's really loyal to her closest friends, and if she doesn't like you, she'll just pretend you don't exist. I know that there are plenty of people that dislike her, but she is always up for talking to more people and making new friends/rekindling old friendships, even if she is in New York. So with that, throw whatever you want at her and we'll see what we can work out, okay? And she is always up for random IMs, even if I'm mobile, I can promise that I will answer, so don't fear the little symbol.

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king of nathan [06 Nov 2009|03:42pm]
Nate's one year at Tegesta is approaching at the end of the month and I thought that I'd bother a bunch of you for some lines and join the bandwagon!

This is Nathan King, turning 19 at the very end of December. He lived in Key West most of his life, up until he moved to LA for university. He graduated with the class of 2009. Nate's best friend is [info]nessac, but he's also close to [info]raleighm. He's the boyfriend of [info]jareame. Nate is studying fine art at UCLA, but anyone that knows him knows that his passion is baking and cooking. He aspires to become a pastry chef, but is too nervous to bring it up because he feels like he has to do university.

That's really all there is about Nate. He's very sweet and a very loyal friend unless you do something to supremely piss him off. I'm looking for any and all lines - maybe your kid got help from Nate in an art class or maybe they lived beside each other before Nate's parents moved away and he bounced from Nessa's house to Torran Bryant's. Maybe their parents knew each other and they were acquainted that way? I'm looking for anything and everything!
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[06 Nov 2009|04:11pm]

i'm not going to write a huge post about marianna because she's been here a while and most of you have caught onto her and what she's about. i just want it to be known that as long as i'm off of my away message i am always around and willing to aim chat, or even scene. i love random ims and i love random scenes. my schedule doesn't allow me to scene as much as i'd like but i do thread as well. just don't be shy! marianna is really open minded and really friendly, she loves branching out and meeting new people and she loves catching up to some older friends who haven't spoken in a while. as for lines, the people she interacts with most are her cousin [info]tallant, her best friend [info]mcknzie and her boyfriend [info]kentwood. so if you have a tie to one of them, just more of a reason to im her!

as for specific lines for either new players or vetrans, mari will be moving to new york in january so she'd love more friends there- we can even figure out how they might have a run in when she does move there. and i have been looking for someone from her aa group for a while. she doesn't go as often because she's been sober for a few months and her work schedule keeps her busy but i'd love just a fellow friend, or even a mentor. maybe they just talk on aim so no one makes the connection that they're close since that stuff is very confidential. but its a line i've wanted for her for a while that i feel could be really deep and worth the exploring.

thanks guys, keep on keeping on. i love you all!

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[06 Nov 2009|05:21pm]
so i'm jumping on this train/bandwagon/caravan/whatever it is because i do enjoy this comm and the interaction i've had here. for those who don't know him, cole is a typical rich, spoiled asshole who thinks he's hot and smart and god's gift to everything. he's originally from new york but he and his brother holden (ho alert!) moved to florida when they were kids and they both graduated from tegesta high, class of '09. cole now attends dartmouth college and complains about it every chance he gets. he's obnoxious and fearless which is a pretty bad combination and his biggest pet peeve is hypocrisy which is why he tends to jump on people the minute he sees anything that (in his mind) qualifies as two-faced or disingenuous behavior. i know he's difficult at times but i just want to take a page from ~tallant's book and explain that everything he does is motivated by his own personality which i hope i have managed to establish in-character during the months he's been here. i'm not going to go as far as to give people an out and offer to have him back off but i hope the knowledge that none of his behavior is ooc-motivated will suffice.

now that that's out of the way, i'd really like for him to get some more lines. i love the ones he has but i could use a few more male friends for him, maybe some people from high school or people who are currently attending dartmouth or live close enough to visit. i also had this idea awhile back about a female character who emerges as a rival in one of his classes at dartmouth and they end up with this intense sort of love/hate non-sexual relationship that hopefully wouldn't be as lame and cliche as it sounds? i really prefer lines to develop organically but if anyone's looking to take on a challenge and a new character, i wouldn't mind discussing details. i'd also like to strengthen some of the lines he already has so if anyone would like to scene (most likely via thread, those work best for me), just leave me a note here and we can work something out. i'm really open to almost anything and i hope you guys are too. <3
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[06 Nov 2009|05:48pm]
haay another, but short! alaska's been here for a while, but a lot of her lines have since left so i'll give this a go. this is alaska zimmerman, 20, located in new hampshire. she was born in canada, but put up for adoption when she was four. she has a brother that she's really close too, but he's no longer in game. definitely artistically driven and attended college for photography, but dropped out when she got in trouble with her foster parents. she is a trust fund baby and doesn't talk about it with anyone, because she doesn't think it's really anything to brag about. half of her high school career was spent in california and the other half at tegesta, so hopefully that'll help bring in some interaction. contrary to popular belief she is pretty easy to get along with when given more than five seconds, but she's also pig headed and doesn't have a problem speaking her mind when she feels it's necessary and also loves to argue with people. between august and september, she had gone on tour and visited all sorts of different states including new york, so if that helps any, have at it. loves music, horror, gore, and reads more than is probably necessary.

i'm working towards bettering her, so i'll take whatever you throw at me! she's been trying to talk to more people on the fp, and i'm definitely not afraid to throw in some random IMs if anyone wants them! i've got a demanding traveling job, and this next month especially will kick my ass while i'm on the road, but if anyone wants to scene, or at least aim chat, i'm usually around at night and never turn down the chance to write. thanks, guys!
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[06 Nov 2009|07:11pm]
[ mood | raleigh rocks it ]

Okay, it's my turn to jump onto the passing bandwagon! Raleigh's interaction has been sadly lacking lately and I'm looking to change that since, hey, like everybody else, I love this game. Anyways. This is Raleigh Murphey, 18 years old, born and raised in Los Angeles. She lived there until September of last year when her parents decided to have her spend her senior year of high school at Tegesta High. Raleigh was something of a teenage tearaway, her parents hoped it would calm her down annnd it did! Her time in Key West was eventful to say the very least but she moved back to LA after graduating in June. She's not attending college this year, at all, hah, but she will be attending RISD next year! Woo! She considers art to be her only talent and has been doing apprenticeships to become a tattoo artist ... although she's currently unemployed. Currently, she's travelling around a little and is preparing to move into an apartment in Las Vegas with her best friend. In terms of personality, Raleigh is generally a happy person (although she can come off as disinterested or vague at first), she takes people as she finds them (she's Switzerland), doesn't judge, but if you give her reason to dislike you then she holds a pretty mean grudge, she doesn't believe in hate and her temper is atrocious but well controlled. It still rears its head every now and again, though!

Let's be creative, people! She'll make an effort with pretty much anybody! :)

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