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so much longer than I anticipated... [12 Sep 2009|07:16pm]
Happy Saturday, [info]tegesta! I'm almost done with her bio and really wanted to post one of these, so here we go.

This is Julia Roth, an 18 year old recent graduate (class of '09) of Tegesta High. Julia was born and raised in Key West, Florida by her hippie parents who lived 'the easy life' until Julia was in her early teens, when they finally realized that money just doesn't grow on trees, and that people have to work in order to not lose their homes. Since her parents were as good as dead beats, Julia started working at an early age, mowing lawns, delivering papers, and walking dogs to satisfy her childish material needs for Barbie and jellies. She attended an alternative school until 10th grade, where everyone sat around on beanbag chairs discussing suburbanization and writing in their dream journals after nap time. When Julia finally transferred to Tegesta High her sophomore year, she felt like a fish out of water. Nevertheless, a fish out of water is still a fish, and she acclimated to teen culture quickly.

Personality wise, Julia is like a mix between Mel Brooks and Chelsea Handler, she wants to compose and direct her own musicals and walks around singing show tunes, and yet at the same time she's heavily sarcastic and is missing quite a few of her marbles. She's a kid with big dreams and she's taking a year to save up money to move to New York or LA, where she can finally achieve her goals, but until then she's grounded at Tegesta, working as a barista and surf instructor.

Onto the name dropping, she's [info]maravilla's cousin, first and foremost, and they're pretty close. She's co-workers with [info]marianna (I think) at a cafe, she's best friends with [info]ashten, friends since high school with [info]gipson, and is very recent friends with [info]bracken. I'd love more friends from high school and an apartment mate, but I'll love anything you hit me with.
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i hope this makes sense.. [12 Sep 2009|07:40pm]
Okay, while I'm still writing him up I figured I'd post something to get a few lines in. This here is Gorten Michaels, aged 23, born and raised in Key West and had lived there up until his twenty-first birthday when he hopped a plane to New York and never looked back. The only real connection Gorten has right now is to [info]bdx and his uncle, Dale. Gorten's mom had an affair with Bale's uncle and broke up Gorten's parents marriage in the process, considering he knocked up Gorten's mom. So while his parents were getting a divorce, Gorten and his mom lived with Bale's uncle for a few months and Bale and Gorten ended up getting close. Now Bale lives with Gorten in New York even though their families aren't too particularly fond of that situation. Gorten is sort of taking care of Bale financially (while also putting a roof over the kid's head) until he can get back on his feet and FIND A JOB. As for work, Gorten is a tattoo artist by day and a musician by night~ As for personality... surprisingly Gorten is a really nice guy. Most wouldn't think so by his appearance but he really is. He'd do anything for any one of his friends, even to the point of beating the shit out of someone for them. While most of the time Gorten would give you the shirt off his back if you asked him to, he still has that asshole side of him, just waiting to come out. And it does, every so often, usually when there's a reason to. He's pretty controlling of it, unless he's drunk. And right now, that's all I can think of because I'm far too lazy and I'm surprised I got this far. So, I would love any lines I could get for him, really. Like I said, he was originally from Key West up until a couple of years ago.
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[12 Sep 2009|08:54pm]
who's wanted here for lines? females preferably but males work too!
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formely known as [info]danet~ [12 Sep 2009|11:33pm]
I don't know if any of you actually remember Dan here, except for a selected few, but I was convinced to bring him back. So this here is Daniel, he was born and raised in Boston, MA but ended up moving sometime before his senior year of high school when his parents died in a car accident. He was sent off to live with his God Parents in Key West. His original SL plea is here. Just in case any of his old sl's wanted to rekindle our lines or something. What's changed most about Dan is that he's finally getting over his parents death. After graduating from Tegesta this year, he up and moved back to Boston. He hadn't really kept in contact with many people. He's pretty much living on his own and playing shows every few nights a week at local bars, etc. This absolutely sucks so I'm just going to link you all to his bio, which is here. I'd love all new and old lines, so give 'em to me.
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