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[12 Jul 2009|05:39am]
Who'd be wanted here more face wise? Lisa Origliasso or Lauren Steil?
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[12 Jul 2009|12:21pm]
i'm hopefully going to write her up when i get him from a meet-up, but i wanted to know what she is all wanted for so i can get a feel for her. so lay it on me!
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long and full of rambles, I'm sorry :( [12 Jul 2009|03:11pm]
So, I've been wanting to do one of these for awhile since I haven't done one since I brought her in back in...January? So!

This is Kellyn Ryan, 18 years old, fresh face, and just graduated from Tegesta High, where she was a Cheerleader, on Soccer, and involved with Newspaper, Student Council, Mathletes, and National Honor Society.

Personality-wise, Kellyn's a little bit out there. She's definitely bizarre and doesn't really have a brain to mouth filter. I think the other night she was rambling about turning into a Triceratops. She's a free spirit, kind of marches to the beat of her own drum and was a bit of a wild child for awhile, such as going to parties and dancing on tables, drinking too much, and smoking way too much pot. She's settled down quite a bit though. Yes, she was the big whore~ But after coming to some sort of self-realization, she's tamed herself down, but still manages to get herself into trouble. She also used to be pretty bitchy and hated nearly everyone and let them know it. Is this where we cue the 'Mean Girls skid marks' comment~ ;) However, she's also tried to stray from that image and has been a lot sweeter, but she isn't afraid to fight back if need be. And currently she's just sort of trying to find her place in everything. She's kind of lost touch with herself and wants to figure out who she is and what she's doing, much like any other 18 year old girl, I suppose!

Is this where I name drop? Her best friend of 13 years/ex is [info]matthw though they're in a very awkwardly rocky place right now since she repeatedly broke the poor boy's heart. She met [info]thornton a few months ago during a threesome (holla) and they got really close really fast but sort of had a falling out recently and even though Kellyn wants to hate him, she knows she can't. She's kind of got a thing for [info]marilon and she pretty much adores him considering how good of a friend he's become to her, especially with these last few days. [info]khirsch is her best girl friend...her only one really (i wonder why), but even they get into fights here and there because Kellyn overreacts, but she does love Kylie to pieces. She's close with [info]advanti, is friendly with [info]clyton and [info]grcia is her thug or something lmao idek. She used to be close with [info]herston but now wants to stab both of his eyes out and tell the world about his crabs lmfao sdhfjhdf sorry, baby. ANYWAY. i can't think of anyone else, so if i'm missing anyone, I'm sorry! Harry Potter is distracting meee. OH BUT [info]cyn is her sister! the best one evar.

She loves whales and wants to work with them one day before going back to school to be a counselor, specializing with rape victims. She's moving to San Diego within the next few weeks to live out her dream annnd. That's all I can think of!

I'd love to get lines tho, people! Maybe someone she met in her two hours of jail time, someone sitting in the soak section with her at Sea World. ANYTHING. I don't care :( Or just say you want them to talk and I'll break Kellyn out of her shell to annoy them.
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[12 Jul 2009|04:33pm]
Okay. So its pretty obvious that Bianca died. I don't know, there was just something about her that didn't sit well. So my question to you is: if I revamped her, could we get some lines? I had [info]jcnda here a while back so I know you guys are amazing.

Also, face suggestions if I decide not to keep Rachel as the PB.
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[12 Jul 2009|07:15pm]
i don't need lines, but i thought i'd warn everyone that tallant is returning. break out the bubbly, mofos.
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