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[28 May 2009|12:10am]
Guess who's back (or will be)? Most of the people here know Addi, but she's had a face change since she was here last. She's now played by Daveigh Chase. Addisynn left Key West for a number of reasons but the biggest one was because she was stubborn and didn't handle change very well and she felt like she needed to find herself and the only way for her to do that was to get away from what she knew and explore. While she was gone, she moved to Oregon and then made her way across the country with a small group of people to Virginia. She came back to Key West to visit but was convinced to stay by [info]guzman.

While she was away...Addisynn chose to get her GED rather than finish school since she left a few months before graduation. Her past cocaine addiction will always be a lingering problem, but she has been sober since the incident between her and Adam that happened in Feb. She's a lot different because she doesn't feel so strapped down now because of school, though deep down parts of her misses it and wishes that she'd be graduating. She's a sweet girl, she just fights a lot of her own demons and she's a loyal friend, but I can use absolutely any line that anyone has to offer.
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[28 May 2009|09:24am]
Alright, I was informed early this morning that Cam Gigandet is open now and unless I get beaten to it, I'm going to bring him in. The exact details of his history aren't set in stone (yet), but I already know he's going to have a dark past and a wrap sheet that's probably a mile long. More than likely, he will be a Key West native, so before I actually start to type out his biography and apply with him.. Would anyone like a line with him? Generalized lines are always welcome (a sister or brother would be awesome - half, step, adopted or even foster, doesn't matter), as would a bestfriend/former bestfriend, cousins (especially if they despise him), a partner in crime would be nice as well... But specifically, I'd like a girl for him to obsess over, people he may have robbed or ripped off, people he's gotten in fights with (especially if it's over their girlfriend(s) or sister(s)) and perhaps an ex (or two) he may have manhandled in one way or another. The possibilities are limitless, so feel free to toss something up I may have not mentioned if you'd like!

I do know he's going to be one manipulative son of a bitch and cause quite a few Tegesta residents problems.
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