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[14 May 2009|07:27pm]
While I’m working hard on an update for Mr. O’Riley I decided that I think he needs more storylines. He’s a senior though he’ll be repeating his senior year come September (with plans to escape and graduate before January), he’s 18 years old and has been living in Key West for practically as long as he can remember, he was only one when his mother married his step father and they relocated from Austin, Texas to the sunny Floridian shores. He’s a runner, sometimes he hit’s the waves but nothing too extreme. He’s a delinquent, or at least he used to be. Before September 2008 he was the sort of kid who never paid attention in class, didn’t bother with authority, shoved kids into walls/lockers/whatever, shoplifting, smoking in corners, whatever you can think of. In September he stole a gorgeously fast car from a parking lot only to crash it into a retirement home, where the police picked him up and he was charged and sent to juvie where he spent nearly 7 months before his 18th birthday, when his judge decided that he must have learned his lesson, told him that were something to happen again he would be sent directly to prison and gave him a stern glare to keep him in line. Now he’s back at Tegesta and sure, still causing a little trouble he’s trying desperately to not be such a pest (and in some cases, failing but still trying).

Anything in the storyline department is wanted!
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skeleton tristan [14 May 2009|09:36pm]
Okay, I've done this before, but I need to do it again because I really don't want to lose this kid. This is Tristan Thornton, slacker extraordinaire. He's a bookworm by day and musician by night, though he's just now working up the nerve to play in front of other people and it's still sort of touch and go as to whether or not he will. He's been at Tegesta since his freshman year, though he's been in the game since September. His ex-girlfriend and one of his best friends is [info]raleighm. He was dating [info]tallant and they sort of broke up, kind of when Tallant went away so he's on his own again for the moment. The Leslie to his Donnie (none of you are going to get that reference) is [info]klln and right now he's really leaning on her pretty hard, but it's all right because she's leaning right back. One person he's getting to know better and considers a good friend is [info]guzman and he has a handful of friends and acquaintances that he has fallen out of touch with but would like to reconcile with, including but not limited to [info]kailan, [info]therston and though he'll never in one million years admit it, [info]andrw because he's rather throw himself into traffic than admit that he misses the days when he considered AJ his friend.

With that said I could use a lot of new lines because there are a lot of new people and I'd love something. Anything.
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so high cass [14 May 2009|09:38pm]
Please re-welcome Cassia Londano! She's a Key West native and she's currently a senior (although she'll be repeating this year due to a lengthy absence). For the past few months she's been in California at a 'character enhancement' facility, which she was sent to by her father after participating in a school wide prank in which she unknowingly put a fake bomb in someone's locker.

Cassia's a firecracker - She likes to see people sweat, she's the biggest tease you'll ever meet, and she's hot one minute then cold as ice the next. 'Virgin princess' sums her up pretty well, although she loves to drink, smoke, and break the rules. She's on the dance team and a member of GSA. I'm not sure that any of her old lines are around, except for [info]dylaan who is one of her favorite people in the world. There's a lot more about her in her bio, but other than that I'd love lines for her. She'll definitely need tutors, boys and girls to flirt with/tease, a crush, enemies, etc.
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