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[21 Mar 2009|01:10am]
hello ladies and lads, I thought I would make another post since Nikole is still finding her nitch with friends. I changed her pb so now she is Melissa Lingafelt. She's a relaxed kind of girl. She loves just chilling with people smoking and surfing.

I am looking for best friends, exs, flirty people, current hook ups, girl friends, everything. And I am looking for someone to play her twin brother. Lets think of soemthing fucken amazing. xoxox have a good night.

ps: lines with these people in the past storyline pleas, [info]ethanb, [info]csawyer, [info]ngton, [info]adalyn, [info]cynric, [info]xor,[info]nouri,[info]raleighm,[info]shleigh,[info]acynth !
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sorry I came back late with this [21 Mar 2009|06:29pm]
But better late than never, right?

This is Brady's official storyline post, since the last one was more just feeling the waters. I really will take something from everyone. Whatever you wanna throw at me: friends, family, whatever, but there are also a few specific things that I need.

Now, Brady is a big dork. Like...your classic music geek. He plays a bunch of different string instruments, but his favorites are the violin and cello. Those are his babies (besides the piano which he's been playing since age five), the others just came easily because they're so similar.

Up until summer before senior year...he was short. I mean, REALLY short. Maybe a little acne covered and really just totally awkward. Over the summer, he grew! Growth spurt to the extreme. And it hurts. Not only does it hurt, but he still hasn't gotten used to his extra long arms, so sometimes he accidentally hits people...or his height, so he often bumps his head on things. His acne cleared up and his mom made him get contacts. But that doesn't mean he doesn't wear his glasses anyway. Whenever he can get away with it.

That being said? I need:

-- someone who used to pick on him. this can be multiple someones. guys or girls. anyone who used to see this dorky little kid dragging around his cello and either shove him in lockers, or just poke fun at him.

-- now, he's a geek, and he's also pretty smart, so I need maybe one or two people who either used him to "help" them with their homework (help is code for do it for them) or who cheated off him in class.

-- i would love a few people who didn't recognize him. maybe some who used to be mean to him and don't realize it's the same person?

-- friends are always good, right? other music geeks? other comic book geeks? any of the smart kids who may have banned together with him.

-- umm...a cousin wouldn't be horrible.

other than that, as I said above, I'll take whatever.
Just carrying over from the other post, I know [info]charllotte you said you were looking for a male best friend from childhood, and if you think he fits, then I'm up for that. [info]eggleston and Brady know one another from the musicals, since Ashley does them all and Brady plays in the pit. Which also means if your kid was in the musical that just happened? They've probably at least seen him at rehearsals. [info]holcombe bugged him for a while about joining her band, but gave up because he only plays "boring" instruments. lol [info]kitsen and [info]strasser we still have to hash out the details on their friendships. So, hit me up whenever.

If you commented on the other post, and now seeing what he's like still want something with him, let me know :)

sorry for being long winded. his entry and schedule are up and i'll have him all applied by tonight.
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[21 Mar 2009|11:36pm]
hello everyone! i've just held hannabeth merjos, and i was wondering if anyone needs any lines filled before i start working on her? i have a few ideas for her, and i will make another storyline post when she's done, but i'd love to fill lines (:
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