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[17 Mar 2009|10:06pm]
HI! Okay, so I've been meaning to do this for a while. Novalee started dying for a little a while back, but her muse woke up when I was visiting a museum last week and I've been making a good effort at keeping her active again, but I'm going to need all of your help because Novalee is a little gun shy when it comes to AIM. Basically, this girl lives in her room with her paint fumes and her dog and keeps to herself and she needs people to come and drag her out of her hole because I love her way too much to die. After all, she is probably one of the oldest characters I have ever written and she's already undergone quite a few changes since the early days of her creation, face lifts obviously but a few important character developments also, some that have been ignored here in context of the game but in anycase....writer babble is over for now so I can move on to the important part of introducing Novalee properly to you guys so that we can work something out.

This is Novalee Stewart, 18 and resident of Key West, Florida since the beginning of Freshman year. She's a big art geek to the point where she's constantly sketching something or other in that sketchbook she carries around all the time and most of her clothes are splattered with paint. Her parents have been separated since she was 6 after her father came out of the closet and ran away with a co-worker. Novalee didn't speak or see him again for about 10 years, but they're working out their differences seeing as Novalee herself needed her father in her life after a kissing a fellow students (and a girl at that) in the coat closet of Junior Prom when she was a Sophomore. She's still not quite sure what that means, but she's trying to figure it out slowly. She has an older brother who is basically the trouble maker of the family and has done his best to drag his sister out of her shell and it worked a little bit, but now he's off on the West Coast going to University there and she doesn't see him much since he no longer really get along with their parents. Her best friend right now is [info]ington, who is pretty much one of the people she is most at ease with talking to. Mostly though if she doesn't know you well she's a mixture between mute or the babble queen of the East Coast.

So, yeah, I guess that's it. Painfully shy Novalee, confused about her sexuality, art geek and really sweet and goofy girl if you get to know her, but that's no easy feat. She doesn't take risks unless someone basically pushes her and holds her hand through it. She's a big baby, really when it comes to doing anything risky or illegal. She's never really been drunk, if you could believe it! She needs friends, people to drag her out of her shell and get her to do things outside of her comfort zone. I don't know, there's more in the journal about her if you want to scan it quickly.
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