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[28 Feb 2009|11:16am]

I figured it's about time that I do one of these again, considering he's got a new face and there's a shit ton of new people that he has yet to talk to. I fail, sorry. Anyways, this is Jase Erikson, recent resident of Key West. He moved here after him and his mother found out that his father had a whole other family, the oldest being only one year younger than Jase. Needless to say, him and his mother picked up and moved, all the way to Key West to live with his Grandparents. Anyways, it just so happened that his bff [info]raleighm lived here, having only moved out here a couple of months beforehand. Back in LA they were "double trouble" of the sorts, spending a few nights in jail was one way they bonded. Drinking and partying was another. Amongst other things, of course. Jase is an asshole, simply put. He tries hard not to be, but he can't help it. He has a short fuse and then that's when he goes off. Especially after the whole cancer thing, he has no time for bull shit. But once you can get past the fact that he's an asshole, if you can get past that, he's really nice. He cares all too much about his friends, the very little he has here. Because of him dating [info]katlova and the stupid fights that happen between them, he has a lot of people that absolutely hate him. Most recent was [info]aalex who he ended up getting into a fight with, resulting with a fractured jaw. Then they bonded in the ER over hot nurses. I'd really like to get more friends for this kid, he doesn't have enough people to talk to and I don't want him to die. That'd suck. So give it to me: friends, enemies, girls he's hooked up with, etc etc. I'm down for it all. oh yea, and [info]sjones is totally his gf.

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[28 Feb 2009|11:26am]
Hello there, my original storyline seemed to have go AWOL on me, so here I am in a smiling, but pleading, storyline post even though i'm not too good at these. His original one is here

This is Carbrey Doyle, hes a senior and has lived in Key West all his life. He's got 3 older sisters and a mother and so his testosterone influence is minimal at best and yes he does know how to host a tea party, complete with matching outfits. He's pretty low key, an average student, not in anything massively major or fanatic about it or anything. He is [info]charllotte's cousin through his Mom's side and he's friends with a few people in the game and things.

So I could use the basics, more friends, people he won't like, if you've got anything you need him for just holla and we could talk or something :)
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