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[11 Feb 2009|09:09pm]
decided on jessica szohr, yesss!

i'd like to introduce aria rosencrantz, an 18 year old senior who is fairly new to tegesta. she is originally from syracuse, ny, but was sent to tegesta roughly a month ago by her parents so that she wouldn't get in the middle of their ugly divorce. she currently lives with her older brother, who is a forensics examiner.

not only is aria off beat, but she's also very hot in cold in the way that one day she can be immature and talkative, and the next day she can be cold and apathetic. deep down she's sweet and means well, but it gets lost in vocalization sometimes. she's also a huge spaz in the way that she can never sit still and that she gets over excited about everything. she's quirky, rambles on and on about nothing in particular, and is wildly inappropriate most of the time. she's a huge huge huge movie buff, and plans to attend school for film and cultural anthropology. she considers herself a music freak, but the truth is that she gets stuck on one genre or certain bands for a long period of time. aria's also baked out of her mind half the time, and likes to watch all the shows on adult swim while she is. (robot chicken, the oblongs, athf, metalocalypse, etc.) she also geeks out over video games, and lives her life playing WoW and also on xbox live.

so far the her lines are that her and [info]evy are fast friends, and aria sometimes treats evy like her karate kid concerning all things mischievous, and also that her and [info]druggars are practically meant for each other, 'nough said. i'd love any lines that can be offered. friends, cousins, someone to tutor her in math, someone to teach her how to surf, or just plain people she can bug in general!
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