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[06 Feb 2009|06:07am]
This is Zephan Osborne, twin brother of [info]kene. I haven't uploaded icons as of right now, but I'm going to be using Frank Iero.

Born in Key West, Zephan moved to Los Angeles with his Mother when he was seven. He lived there until recently and the only reason he's back now is because he pulled the same stunt she did and ran away (though it should be said, he technically ran back home). Shorter than average, Zephan was often picked on through out his childhood and it's because of this he has a tendency of fighting. While he doesn't pick them most generally, he's not afraid to defend himself or someone he cares about. Slightly opposited from his brother, Zephan is an extrovert and a genuinely playful one at that. He has always been an avid reader and loves to learn (he doesn't mind doing it in class... But he prefers it out of). Zephan loves to draw, so he's always got a sketch pad somewhere on his person, bank on it.

So far, I know that he's gotten a job at a local video rental store (I haven't figured out which one yet), is obsessed wth horror movies and cemetaries. He's the type to sleep in the park so he doesn't have to go home (though, that's obviously not every night) and that kid who refuses to drive (he rides a bike around town). As he's not actually been to Key West in ten years, really the only thing I can ask for in regards to past lines, are people he would've known up until age 7; unless any of the kids here are from Los Angeles, then perhaps we could work some other lines out. A girl for him to crush on and borderline obsess over, whether she gives him the time of day or not doesn't matter (neither does her face).
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[06 Feb 2009|07:00pm]
[ music | can be found @ payton says no ]

Payton Adams. Senior. Native to the area.

Though she was technically born in Kentucky, she's been in the Key West area her entire life, returning to the Bluegrass State for a month every summer to visit her grandparents. This had made her a bit of a country girl in some ways in that she drives a big truck, has a thing for horses (her grandfather raises/trains them), and one of her favorite things to do is ride her four-wheeler at night on her private property on the beach. It is just her and her mother in the house as her dad was shot and killed on duty (he was a police officer) four years ago. To Payton, her parents had one of those perfect love relationships and after watching her mother cope with the death of her father, she convinced herself that she wasn't going to risk ever having that happen to herself. So, she does not date. She's come close twice but ended up eventually pushing them away.

She used to be one of those kids who would do whatever they could so that people would like her and be her friend, but around the age 12, she finally learned the word NO and, ultimately, lost some so-called friends from it. Now, if you like her: fine. If not? That works too. Generally, she's a nice person but she definitely has a bitchy streak to her when it needs to come out. She's a bit of a flirt at times, which thusly makes her a tease. Yes, she is a virgin.

Yeah, this is all over the place. My apologies. The point of this was to get storylines. So:

She's talked to a few people, but so far she's only regularly spoken with [info]andrw. I'd love to get her some friends, one best friend, maybe one cousin (on her father's side since her mother isn't from the area), a couple of friends she's had since she was little, maybe one of the guys she got close to dating but pushed away, and whatever else.

It'll be great. ;]

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[06 Feb 2009|08:54pm]
I'm bored and I spent the better half of today in bed watching Full House re-runs (thank god for DVR), so I figured since Adds are tomorrow I would toss up another one of these. His previous storyline plea is here I also have a list (as well as description) of some of his lines here and his bio is up so hopefully that will give you a better feel for the kind of person he is. If we haven't worked something out yet and you want too, I'm open.
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