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[04 Feb 2009|01:24am]
Evening, [info]tegesta. I'm coming here to bring in this guy. His name is Clayton Jenner and he is a eighteen year old senior. He has lived in Key West his entire life. His favorite past times include...well the truth of the matter is he is a very simple guy. Three things are what pleases him. Girls, Drinking and TV. That is all it takes and really all he cares about. As far as school goes he gets awful grades, just enough to pass. He has no future ambition, other then to "rock and roll" which will be hard since he has no musical talent at all. He never thinks before he speaks. He acts purely on instinct rather then anything else. He can be a bit disgusting and has no problem sharing his personal problems with anyone who will listen. Anything from girl problems to...bowel movements. Nothing is ever off limits to him. His cousin is [info]alexndr, and the two are obviously close. Alex kind of feeds into Clay's lack of ambition and if he choses to do nothing..Alex will cheer him on like a good cousin should. Other then what's mentioned, I'm open for whatever lines anyone wants to hand on over. Brainstorming is always some good fun.
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[04 Feb 2009|01:30pm]
I figure it's about time to throw this kid out there for some more storylines. He could definitely use some more guy friends, to start things off with. He's dating [info]lusy so I don't know what that could do for him. He's a pretty sweet kid, to be honest. I know he talks to a couple of people but, he could definitely branch out. He's kind of got a dodgy history with [info]mcknzie. He talks to [info]nessac sometimes, [info]sjones, [info]buchanan and [info]nouri, wow.. That's about it. So, I'm up for anything! People that might hate him, people that like him and I don't know if he has classes with anyone but, that would be cool too! He's always up for random im's and stuff. That being said, let's brainstorm, kids!

I know there were a few kids that commented on his last SL post that I didn't get to and if you still wanted lines then, please, comment again! I'm definitely up for it!
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[04 Feb 2009|02:54pm]
Ahoy there. This is Thadius Logan, a junior and your go-to guy for all your adolescent prescription medication needs. He's been more or less the poster child for various antidepressants, antipsychotics, and anti-anxiety meds since he was a kid, prescribed by his well-intentioned by neglecting father. It's only been within the last year that he's stopped taking them himself and starting selling them to his classmates, having previously flown under the radar for his first couple years at Tegesta. Because of that, he's adjusting to life without the meds and isn't very good at social interaction outside of his dealing and a few friends he's gotten close to.

So what I need from you! Those previously mentioned close friends, anyone Thad's had dealings with and how positive/negative that experience was, those who thought he was the weird loner kid and possibly picked on him, a girl he might have fumbled around with at the only party he's ever been to, and maybe even a partner in crime. I'm open to suggestion and brainstorming, so yeah. Here we go.
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trying one more time! [04 Feb 2009|02:57pm]
hi guys! i'm trying one more time because at this point rosa only talks to [info]tallant and you all seem like a fine bunch of lovely people. this is rosa, all of her bio stuff is right here. shes a pretty interesting character. in the past few years shes gone from innocent to a complete bitter person. despite her bitterness, she has kept close to the people she adores. she dated [info]tallant for a while and they're pretty good friends at the moment. she left her sophmore year and upped and moved only to come back during this year. she plans no attending college and starting her life over because she dislikes her attitude. i was hoping someone could be her best friend or something and all that requires is someone who has stayed in contact with her since her move and what not. shes very loyal to all of her friends and is always there when needed, shes more of a listener.

at this point i really need general friends, a best friend, you know, anything! i know this is vague as hell but i can fill anything/add things in. if you'd like to talk on aim my screenname is "rosa sometimes" or you can pm me! thank you
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[04 Feb 2009|06:31pm]
Hi everyone! I am bringing in Pherren Donald, played by the lovely Lauren London. First things first, her bio is public so feel free to check that out.

--- For a quick rundown, Pherren.. aka P, Pher and occasionally Pherbear lol just turned 18. She was born and raised in California but moved down to Key West her freshman year and has been attending Tegesta her entire high school career.

--- Personality wise, Pher is a really nice girl unless you annoy her, but isn't that how everyone is? For the most part she is easy to get along with. She can sometimes have an attitude with people she does not know or like and tends to call folks out on stupid shit easily.

-- She is proud of being a virgin and has not swayed yet. She is single and content with that. She does not discriminate, she kisses girls as well as boys all depending on the day. However, she isn't easy or promiscuous.

-- As of now, ZERO lines! I don't really like to set a whooole lot of lines, I always think it's pretty dope to actually interact first and go from there. However, if you want to set something up, I'd love that.

I can always hop on AIM at phers falsetto if need be.
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