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[22 Jan 2009|05:48pm]
Hey [info]tegesta! I noticed there is a lot of this going on right now, but I'm seriously stuck at deciding who I want to bring here. Dirk Mai or John O'Callaghan
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[22 Jan 2009|06:09pm]
okay you [info]tegestaians. kayslee collins or carlson young?
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his nipples aren't mutant eaters either ;[ [22 Jan 2009|06:27pm]
i need to throw alex out there for more lines! he's been kind of disappearing a little and i don't like that at all. plus he's a fun guy i promise! so hi this is alex mcgregor, your local wanna be porn artist or so he says. just kidding. he's a native to key west, he's the middle child of five kids. and the rest of his siblings are GIRLS. and he loves them, he truly does, but they scare him. he's 18, a senior, loves to take pictures, loves to goof off, to drink, to have a good time, and what not. his bio is there and i'm too lazy to try find his original plea post since it was ages ago.

he's currently dating [info]kitsen, his best friend forever/soul mate is [info]junior, he has a weird friendship with [info]zoi, and another close friend of his is [info]ialavera, she is the little foot to his chompers and he loves her. even if she's a little crazy. he doesn't like scary stuff and he knows a lot of chick references, thanks to his four sisters. and out of the siblings he is probably the most girliest one too which is kind of sad but oh well he's a great guy.

so yeah i would love a cousin maybe, some close guy friends, a girl he dated during freshman year who he lost his virginity too, people that think he's gay, etc. i'm up for whatever!
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[22 Jan 2009|06:31pm]
decision time, [info]tegesta! miley cyrus vs. ashley tisdale?
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alright again! [22 Jan 2009|07:39pm]

I am caving and making another one of these, because last time I got lines, but I am totally looking for the mother load because after a while, I get a little bored and I began to randomly IM people just out of random. So with that said I figured I would take the time out to do another one of these pimpage posts for this girl here. Her original SL posts are here and here, if you haven’t already seen those. And her bio is here.

All in all this is Olivia Seidell, daughter to Florida’s new Senator Republican Grant Seidell, and French Supermodel Adelaide Seidell, she is their only child, which makes her of the following. Bratty, bitchy, snotty, superficial, narcissistic, and stuck up. But she likes to flirt, with guys she’s a tease, and tends to use it to her best advantage to normally get what she wants, you know flash a little skin, bat her lashes and pout. She is also apart of the cheerleading squad, Gymnastics club, The German Club, and as well as the debate club because she likes to argue.

Okay and this is where I began my name dropping as well as SL’s that I have for her as of right now. Her best friend and her voice of reason is [info]londano, the ex she’s not fully over is [info]stime the two fight like cats and dogs, but they have a mutual understanding of each other. [info]zoi, she likes her, she truly does, but when it comes to Richie Zoie annoys the living hell out of her hehe. [info]cynric she dated him for a while, and the two remain friends, [info]damiien she dislikes him by association, but she has a small macro sized crush on him which she doesn’t acknowledge, [info]herston who is a family friend. [info]marylyn is her enemy, [info]matthw her friend, she flirts with him just because he’s a cutie, and she likes the attention he gives to her. And [info]jeanclaude, her little French pal, the two of them together is like pinky and the brain minus the plans not following through.

AND those are her lines it’s a lot I know!! Crazy, but I still would love lines, crushes, more exes, party buddies, drinking buddies, people she’s played strip porker with?, the guy who was there for her the spring break of her breakup. Ect.

if you want to get a hold of me you can IM me on her sn ooc at oogey livia

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