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[05 Mar 2008|03:48pm]

[ mood | excited ]
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La la la – this is Jade Worthington; student, fruitarian, philanthropist, law student, and time management extraordinaire! There’s a bio and fast facts in her journal, if anyone cares to read ‘em, and I just want to know what kind of lines I’m going to get coming into this!

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[25 Feb 2008|02:49am]

He is still kind of a mess in my head, but I know he's going to like his personal space and he uses humor as a front. He's a pretty normal guy, his parents are still alive and kicking, but I'm thinking they may live somewhere else in Florida, he doesn't have any tragic ex-girlfriend lines. He will have two younger sisters. I don't have much on them, in fact I think they vaguely be mentioned in the entry so that I don't have to go back and rewrite a lot, and so that way whoever writes them doesn't have to fit a tight mold. He's 26 this year, so I am guessing that they will be anywhere from the ages 18-24. I don't have any suggestions for PBs it's up to you!

I'm also open to any other ideas that anyone else may have.
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[24 Feb 2008|04:15am]

I guess I can go ahead and get this started. This is Lee. He was born in New York, his mother killed herself, when he was younger, but he doesn't let it phase him. His thinking is, if she didn't want to be here, then let her go. She wasn't the best of mothers anyway. After that his father moved to Colorado where his parents, Lee's grandparents, lived so they could help him take care of Lee. He graduated college with a degree in English and went on to write a work of fiction based around his life that did well, but after that, he had no ideas and his editor dropped him. He went on to work at a newspaper where he met a girl. They were in love, but he has major trust issues because of what happened with his mother and he cheated on her with a mutual friend (who happened to be a guy). Afterwards, he moved to Miami to get away. He hopes to work on his trust issues, experiment more with the same sex, and start writing again. He's only been in Miami for about two weeks. I'll put his post up soon, but his facts are up, as well as storylines.

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