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September 25th, 2012


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OH MY LORD! I GOT A 90 ON MY MATH TEST! ME! A 90!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

September 9th, 2012


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I did it. The paper belongs to the Ashfords now.

I'm still a little shell shocked. Please excuse me.

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I guess school isn't going that badly so far. Here's hoping it stays like that.

September 3rd, 2012

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I feel so incredibly happy with my apartment and school! I love drawing and creating day in and day out.

Now who is going to come visit me?

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Sorry I've been AWOL, but I've been busy trying to hang out with everybody and get all packed up for college. Now I'm here at IU and all settled in and going to classes. You know, I never expected college to be like this and now I am glad that I'm going and at a party school, no less. I'm hearing eyes rolling. I know I'm not here to party. I'm here for "school" and more importantly to play basketball. I miss everyone back home. It's a tad lonely here to tell the truth, but I'm good at making friends and I've made a lot already.


Miss me? I miss you.

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Looks like I'll be heading back to California in a few weeks to shoot for a movie. However, we'll be keeping our house here because we plan on coming back and I hope to be part of another Broadway production. I know a lot of you will be glad to see me go and don't want me to return ever again. Sorry, but I will be back. Shooting only takes a couple months and it's easy to commute back and forth between LA and here. I actually prefer living here. It's so much more quiet.

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So what is going on with you and Claire?


How would you like to go on a date sometime this week?

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All this talk of school is making me nostalgic. My baby is a senior and I'm not ready to accept that yet. And my little girl is a sophomore. Anyone else want their kids to be babies again?

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Can't believe it is already my senior year! I'm so excited and sad all at once. This year is going to be incredibly busy between schoolwork and clubs and the bookstore. Plus, I'm already applying for colleges. Here's hoping that I'll get my first choice!

September 2nd, 2012


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Funny! When school's out, my butt is much safer! I think this means I should just stay home forever.

August 26th, 2012


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You know? The cafe wasn't a half bad idea. The coffee is certainly better than what we originally had.


I had fun the other night.

August 20th, 2012

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[Filtered to Ty]

I miss you
Are you really never going to talk to me aga

I'm really sorry.

I've been talking to your dad. He thinks I should talk to my parents but I don't know if I'm ready for that. But you're right. I should've at least trusted you. You had enough going on without dealing with my secrets, though. And I'm sorry.

[Filtered to Chloe]

Senior year sucks. Can I get a redo?

[Filtered to Matty]

I should tell you something. Ty knows and he shouldn't have to keep it a secret from the people who are important to him.

I'm gay. And the reason Ty and I kind of aren't talking right now is he found out I've been hiding it from him.

I'm trying to keep it pretty quiet for now. But I'm not forcing you to keep it a secret or anything. It would just really mean a lot to me if you did.

August 18th, 2012

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I miss the holidays :(

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Thank you all for the support you're giving Cafe 8, it's going amazing so far. You are all wonderful and we couldn't have done it without you all.

August 12th, 2012

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[Filtered to Kyle]

I wouldn't ask but
This is a little weird but I was hoping
Could we

Sir, I was wondering if I could ask your advice about something. I can't do this anymore

August 11th, 2012


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I don't want to go back to school. I hate all those back to school commercials.

Betty is sick. I hate when Betty is sick.

August 8th, 2012

Filtered to Girl Friends

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...I think I have a date. Maybe. Sort of? If you typically hang out with your kids at your house or his house and then suddenly you're doing a one-on-one night in the that a date? I seriously don't know, I haven't actually dated since my divorce. It can't have changed much, can it?

August 4th, 2012

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Just a reminder that Cafe 8 is opening tomorrow! I want to see you all there.

August 1st, 2012

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Yes, I do share a birthday with one of my favorite authors. And her boy wizard. And now apparently everyone knows it!

What a wonderful night. Really. Thank you boys. All of you. I haven't felt that special in a very long time.

And thank you all for such incredible gifts and displays of affection. You'll never know how much it means.

[Jay & Clay]

So. Kyle gave us a very generous gift of a vacation. My question is, do you want to use it now or wait till they've decorated for the holidays? Now will take a lot of fast planning to go before school starts.

And no, you can't skip school for it. :P

July 28th, 2012


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So my big brother is pretty cool. Just saying.
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