Crossed Wires - February 2nd, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
multi fandom crossovers

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February 2nd, 2008

Fic: Sanctus Espiritus, a SGA/Eureka crossover [Feb. 2nd, 2008|02:47 pm]


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For [info]14valentines Day 1: Body Image over on livejournal.

Title: Sanctus Espiritus
Author: Rhi
Characters: John Sheppard, Jack Carter, Radek Zelenka, Miko Kusanagi
Rating: Gen
Disclaimer: [Insert witty comment here] SGA and Eureka do not belong to me.
Author's Note: The concept for this fic came to me a while ago, after I had a read a bunch of SGA/Eureka crossovers. I was struck by the thought that nearly every crossover involved Rodney coming to Eureka. I got to thinking that what if it was John that had the connection to Eureka. This is the result. It is set during the SGA episode The Return I and sometime after season 1 of Eureka.

Read it here
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