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[15 Feb 2017|08:08pm]

hi! i'm thinking of coming back because i miss everyone and i really miss wren and this specific face and she's just complete. so are any of her lines still around? or can we update lines? or new lines would be amazing too! i'd really like to be able to start up maybe a game comm or something for bgo, maf, cah, rabbit, etc, if that'd be something you all would be interested in?
comment 20

[03 Feb 2017|10:51am]

would she be wanted around for anything? i'd really like to come in with at least one solid line
comment 5

[31 Jan 2017|05:00pm]
hi! i apologize ahead of time for how much i'm about to be on the page. this is ben louis, a 29 year old writer out of bakersfield. to pay the bills, he works for the orange county register, but beyond that, he's always trying to pull together a book he's been writing for the past year and attempting some collaboration with the short stories he has done in the past. most of his personal writing runs along the lines of horror, but you have to do what you can to make rent and eat. as far as personality goes, he's more the type to internalize a lot of things, mistrust his feelings, but follow his gut, if that makes sense. there is a judgmental type of arrogance to him, but he does try to give everyone he meets a chance. outwardly friendly and will speak his mind without a second thought to it. currently living out in fullerton.

if anyone could use anything, please let me know and we can work something out. he could use anything and everything. but i'm all for pulling the organic side of things too! throwing people randomly at each other never fails at being interesting.

[30 Jan 2017|09:50pm]

i'll be finding an ooc journal for her but is there anybody who needs/wants lines filled that alexa could fill? willing to plot it out with you!

[29 Jan 2017|02:34pm]

hey there this little lady is coming in and i wanted to hit you up for lines before i get deep into her backstory. as of this very moment i have that she's about 21-23 years old and a gold star lesbian. more than likely she's a native to the area. but i could use friends of all shapes and sizes, exes, current crushes, job suggestions and i could even fill family lines. please fill free to flood me with comments.
comment 2

[24 Jan 2017|12:10am]

hi all, this is lila and i think i'm going with scarlett leithold as her pretty face!
so, what i have so far for her is that she works at least part time at buttercup bakery and just recently stopped modeling semi-professionally. she's not big on drama and she loves food, so the job was a bit too much for her. she's working on applications to college, since she's been modeling since finishing high school. she's 23 years old. she's a huge people pleaser and would do anything for anyone. she's fairly easy to take advantage of. she's got a huge heart and just wants to be friends with everyone. she grew up in hb but i think she lives in newport now, next door to [info]creepingdeath. [info]madchen is her very best friend, ever since they were little, along with [info]hesitated (if they're still coming). she's a volunteer with big brothers/big sisters and does that as another way to bond with liv and they take their littles on fun outings all together. she's also a huge animal lover and volunteers at a pet shelter.
i think that's all i have so far? i know she's gonna be really close to [info]mermaid, too.
if you need family, friends, a roommate, an ex, someone to flirt with, anything at all, please hit me up!
comment 35

[23 Jan 2017|09:39am]

hey lovely people. since i apparently am sooo blind and missed the big neon post of 'are you here' oops! i wanted to take a minute to get him some fresh lines while i await adds. for those that know, this is jamie, and for those that don't, he is [info]manhandler's big brother. he's a tattoo artist with [info]vexation if they are still game. he has some friends and some hook ups floating around, though i'm not sure honestly how many are still in game. so once i figure all that out, his lines in his bio will be fixed.

now down to personality. jamie is a sweet talking asshole. he can be the nicest person ever, but if he thinks you are one of those, i act dumb because i think it's cute people, he will either call you on it or just flat out drop you from his life. he hates drama. he has enough in his family life, he doesn't need it in the people he hangs around. he doesn't date (i'd like that to change eventually, but i kind of have specifics on that one) so he's all about the hook up. he tried dating and it went to shit really fast. in the past he's dated, but he always seemed to kind of forget he had someone to date. so he has sworn it off, doesn't see the point, he knows he is no good at it and knows it only leads to someone getting hurt.

i'd love to work out anything you fine people can throw at me, and anyone listed as a line, if you want to keep it or revamp it let me know! he lives and works in huntington beach.
comment 62

[17 Jan 2017|11:21pm]

hey guys, i've decided to invest some time & bring rosie back (albeit a little different). i didn't have a chance to do much with her last time and the past few months have been literal insanity so that was my bad! anyway, more about her - she's 26, currently working on starting her pathology residency after her upcoming graduation. she lives on her own in newport beach, with her gang of animals. in her spare time she's heavily into anything 1970's, television, random excursions, hiking with the dogs, reading when she can concentrate enough, and dancing. i'd love any of her old connections and many new ones.
comment 2

[17 Jan 2017|08:00am]
who would be wanted more, cami morrone, scarlett leithold, or chase carter?? lines would also be a plus!

[16 Jan 2017|08:29pm]

what ladies are wanted for lines?
comment 5

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