Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII [entries|friends|calendar]
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII

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Miscellaneous News [24 Mar 2008|11:26am]

[ mood | cheerful ]

A release date has finally been set for the release of Crisis Core in Europe and other PAL Region countries. The date is said to be July 30th and the news is accompanied by the opening of a UK Official Site found HERE.

In other news, SQUARE-ENIX are holding an official release party for Crisis Core in the San Fransisco area between 6:00pm and 9:00pm on March 25th. According to, the even will be open to 200 people with the first 100 people receiving a limited edition t-shirt. More information can be found at and HERE for those of you interested.

Two days to go, everyone! Who else is ridiculously excited?

fair game?

10 Crisis Core Icons [09 Mar 2008|04:48pm]

I didn't know if anyone would be interested, but I am relatively new at iconning and I have made some icons that I am pretty pleased with.


Click to view all 10

Thanks for looking!

x-posted to [info]ffvii_fandom
fair game?

More English Previews [25 Feb 2008|01:56pm]

[ mood | bitchy ]

There are four more video previews available to watch with samples of Zack and Angeal's English voices.





    Also, there has been a rumour going around that Crisis Core's release has been delayed until May. Try not to freak out, people. The English Official Site still lists the release date as March 25th. The date in May is more than likely false or the release set for PAL regions such as Europe, the UK and Australia.
  • fair game?

    Official Site Updates [14 Feb 2008|10:50am]

    [ mood | cheerful ] has undergone a complete overhaul pretty much overnight. The site now includes many more sections; including a full list of the main characters, multimedia, details of the battle system, another trailer of sorts (featuring Genesis and Sephiroth) and plot summary, as well as the promise of more things to come in March.

    It's definitely worth checking out!

    2 puns | fair game?

    English Previews [10 Feb 2008|11:21am]

    [ mood | cheerful ]

    There are a couple of English previews available to watch and/or download here at IGN.

    The scenes are more than likely ones you've already seen: the first is Zack's debriefing of the mission regarding Genesis, and the second marks the arrival of Sephiroth and company in Nibelheim. Clips are roughly a minute and a half, and thirty seconds long respectively and give short previews of the English voices for Lazard, Angeal, Zack and Sephiroth.

    Also, it has recently been announced that Europe, Australia and other PAL regions can expect Crisis Core this spring.

    fair game?

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