Dec. 11th, 2007 @ 01:37 pm [CM] November Prompt - Serendipity

Serendipity? Easy enough for me to talk about seeing as it pretty much means finding something that you like without having been looking for it. The one thing that comes to mind automatically that fits that. Meeting Rachel Berrisford and falling in love. I went in there on a simple mission to find out about Robert Berrisford and how much he knew concerning Manticore and their genetic experiments. To do so easy, play nice piano teacher with his daughter.

Then I saw Rachel that first time and right there I think was the end. We hadn't even talked but she had my attention. Maybe at first it was me being a typical guy. She was hot and female. Instincts for me and my siblings is strong. As I got to know her I could feel how I felt changing even if I didn't understand what I was feeling. We weren't engineered for that. I knew I was in love with her the moment she told me she loved me.

How things went down in the end hurt more then anything. Rushing out and being too late. Thinking Rachel was gone and being dragged away. Having them detonate the bomb instead just so it was done. Just the whole meeting Rachel, falling in love, and realizing I was more then Manticore allowed me to be, that is Serendipity right there.

Alec McDowell // Dark Angel // 229 Words
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Dec. 11th, 2007 @ 01:50 pm [CM] December Prompt - Best Thing in the World

The best thing in the world is waking up next to Rachel Berrisford every morning. Laying in her arms at night. Holding her warm body close to mine and feeling her snuggle into me. Placing my hand down on her stomach and feeling that bump that swells a bit more it seems. Feeling our baby move when my hand is there. Feeling her place her hand over mine when it's on her stomach. The smile on her face as she leans into me and kisses me. Looking down at our hands and seeing the wedding rings. Knowing I married the most important person in my life. That is the best thing in the world. Knowing I have my own family. That I am more then a genetically enhanced super soldier.

Being free to be who I am. Free to have love. Free to have children. Free to do what I want.

Alec McDowell // Dark Angel // 151 Words
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Dec. 11th, 2007 @ 03:07 pm [CM] November Prompt - Lightning

Spoilers for Season 3 episode Red Sky at Morning. )

Dean Winchester // Supernatural // 213 Words
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Dec. 11th, 2007 @ 03:29 pm [CM] December Prompt - Risk

If you don't risk anything you can lose it all. Life is full of making risks to gain things. Everyday we step outside you are taking a risk in this world. See stepping out you could get in an accident. Get run over. Get shot. But if you lock yourself away inside to hide away from the risks of life you are risking so much more.

Risking missing out on love. Risking missing out on life. See you hide away you aren't living, you are just existing. I know this well because it is how I spent life. Avoiding things. Now I have less then a year to live and I finally found love. I never risked my heart because of my job, and now I lose everything.

Maybe I will get lucky and Sam will find a way out of this for me. I'll get to see my little girl Mary grow up. One can hope right?

Dean Winchester // Supernatural // 158 Words
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