Nov. 21st, 2007 @ 11:25 am November Prompt 2 - Personal ritual

Personal ritual. We all have them, little superstitions that we all follow. What’s yours?

Does going to the same place to clear your head count as a personal ritual? Maybe it started with Ben's high place to talk to the Blue Lady, who knows. All I know, is that I just like going to the Needle and looking down at the city. Sometimes I think about the people and that everyone down there's got problems. Maybe not the same problems that I do, but problems, and if I sit up there long enough, I start to feel like one of them. A normal girl trying to get by in a broken world.

Whenever I have to think, or psych myself up for something I hit the Needle. It's quiet and I know that Manticore or the drones can't get me when I'm up there. They don't fly that high to capture me on film. Like I said, I don't know if it's because Ben was sure that we'd find the answers to everything up in the high place or just that I know no one can get me there. Doesn't really matter, just know it works.

Max Guevera/X5-452 ~*~ Dark Angel ~*~ 182 words
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