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[19 Mar 2014|12:43am]
Hi everybody!
Hi Dr Nick Rory!

So as you may have ascertained, I'm a new player and I've brought Clark Kent. Or Kal El. Or Superman, whatever. So Clark's coming out of the aftermath of the Battle for Metropolis. Still haunted by the actions he was forced to take to save the mankind, he was in the midst of deciding on his next move. Now he's here. For those who don't know Man of Steel, this version is much more withdrawn and insular than in other incarnations. He's also much, much more masculine. He may grow a beard. Grr. Joking aside, he's just pushed himself physically and ethically to save humanity. He needs time to process. So don't expect him flying around in his costume for the moment, but he will be trying to make a difference. And friends.

Moving forward, once they start dimension hopping, he may have to step up. Particularly if there are psychotic versions of him in other dimensions...

Anyway, glad to be here, drop me a line if you're interested in plotting, I'll do the same. :)

[19 Mar 2014|10:19am]
Hi, everyone! I'm Lena, I'm brand shiny new and this? Is Rose Hathaway. If you haven't seen the new Vampire Academy movie or haven't read the books, you're probably not familiar with her, but I promise she's awesome and you will love her. Also, seriously, read the books, because they are amazing.

Anyway, a few things about Rose:

She has a freaky cool psychic bond with her best friend Lissa that lets her SEE INTO HER HEAD. Which is sometimes awesome and sometimes not. I mean, would you want a front row seat to your BFFs sex life? Probably not.

She's a dhampir which means she is a half-vampire who's job is to protect said best friend from the evil things in the world. She does a pretty good job of it, even though they kind of ran away from their school two years ago and she never officially finished her training.

Rose is a little bit reckless. She has issues with impulse control and she has a tamper. She's also extremely protective of Lissa. So, um, don't threaten her unless you want to get punched? She also has a smart mouth and some slight problems with authority figures, so I'm sure she'll manage to get into some trouble.

Her canon point is at the verrry beginning of the series, before she and Lissa learn about the existence of spirit as an element or find out how/why their bond was formed and all of that good stuff. I actually think it would be really interesting to have a Dimitri to play off of in this setting where she hasn't met him and there's no chance on him dragging them back to St. Vlads, if anyone is so inclined.

I love plot of all kinds, so hit me up! :D

I will leave you with some gifs )

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