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Cosmic TARDIS: a private rpg

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Siriusly in Need of Unveiling [09 Feb 2009|02:02am]

"Tujours putrid" Sirius uttered sourly as he wandered pointlessly around the never-ending grey space. "Always pure, my arse," he growled about the Black family motto, Tujours pur. The heavy hand that held his wand fell to his side with the weight of uselessness. His fingers convulsed involuntarily to keep it slipping from his grasp.

"Always putrid!" he shouted and waved his wand wildly, scaring off shadowy, whispery things that lingered while he meandered through for years or... merely a few minutes? Perhaps time didn't exist. All Sirius knew was this place must be pulling him out of life, slowly erasing him from their memories back there. From Harry's memory--

"Tujours pus!" he yelled at the top of his hoarse voice and stumbled away from one grey phantom wall to the next.

Stopping again, he lowered the wand as his posture slumped. His bearded chin sank down to his chest and his grey eyes shut. When the strange cacaphony came, sounding like a cross between gears seizing up, Bellatrix's bitch-screams and maybe a werewolf howl, the wand fell from his fingers as he stared.

Weirdly, something actually happened. Something that told Sirius he must be mad. A blue box materialised a few yards away from him. The light on top was lit while it was forming, then it went out but the windows glowed from within.

"Bloody hell what?" He retrieved his wand without consciously noticing his action. All of his attention went towards the police public call box. It couldn't be the Ministry's doing; they used a phone booth as their main entrance. He moved closer, reaching out to touch it. His delusion was complete for he felt wood beneath his lightly quivering fingers. "Come on then, form a road too!" he called out hoarsely. "What road are you on? What delusion do I get?"

The door opened. A man with curly hair wearing Wizard clothes or muggle Victorian style came face to face with Sirius. He nodded and smiled.

"Hello! It doesn't look like there's much here, does it? Why don't you come with us?" he invited, waving his velvet-clad arm toward the interior, which seemed to have other people in there and more space than one could guess from the exterior. "We're the Doctor," the man said, glancing behind him at a skinny bloke dressed in a striped suit.
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TARDIS - late evening [06 Feb 2009|05:24am]

Martha stepped into the control room and once more felt a little startled at the sight of it. It just looked so different. She wondered why the doctor had changed it so much. Maybe she'd ask him later. She then walked over to the couch, where Sally was sitting.

"How is she?", Sally asked. They had shown Faith a room and Martha had checked on her again.

"She seems fine. But a bit of rest and especially some sleep will be good. I'll check on her again in the morning." Martha actually was surprised how well the young woman was handling the whole situation. She apparently fell through some sort of portal, ended up in a world full of evil monsters and got wounded. Then she was rescued by people who were partly alien and was in an alien ship now. Most people probably would be hysterical, screaming or totally apathetic. Martha definitely was curious about this woman.

Jenny was curled up in the doctor very comfortable chair. A smile was on her face as she started to doze off.

Prue smiled at the sight of Jenny and went over to her. "Come on, Jenny, it's time for bed."

Jenny blinked, looked at Prue sleepily and then nodded. Moaning she got up and Prue placed an arm around her shoulder, steering her towards the exit.

"Good night everyone", Jenny called and then went over to her fathers, giving each of them a kiss on the cheek. "Night Dad!"

Prue smiled. Things were really weird right now, but not bad at all.
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a hell dimension [04 Feb 2009|04:06am]

With a thud the demons head hit the floor. Greenish blood was oozing from her ax and Faith wrinkled her nose in disgust. Then she swung around, ax at the ready. Five demons were lying on the ground dead. But Faith knew there were more. There didn't seem to be anything else living in this hellhole. Of course the portal didn't lead to a nice world. Why would it? And why should she end up in a nice place? This was exactly what she deserved. Yes, she had changed and done a lot of good the past two years. But that didn't change a thing! The people she killed were still dead. Nothing would ever bring them back. She deserved to pay for it. So she wasn't about to complain that she ended up in a hell-dimension. She would just try to stay alive and take down as many of the demons living here as possible. Every dead demon was a good demon after all. And dead ones wouldn't be able to find a portal to her dimension.

When nothing was moving Faith relaxed a little and brought her left arm to her side. Blood. One of the demons had wounded her with its claws. She didn't have any bandages, but at least slayers healed fast. She'd need that now more than ever.

Walking away Faith tried to catch her breath. She was really tiered, and thirsty. Hopefully she'd come by a river or something soon.

Her thoughts were interrupted when Faith heard a growling sound. She spun around just in time to duck a creature that lunged at her. It looked a little like a werewolf, but it was even bigger and fiery red. Well, at least it stood out in the dull grayish surroundings.

Faith kicked the creature and then jumped back when it tried to bite her. Crap, those things were fast! And on top of it she saw another group of demons arriving. Couldn't they at least give her 5 minutes to rest? Obviously not.

Jumping back a little Faith then sank the ax in the werewolf-like creature. A howl could be heard. Then wind started to come up and the howling was joined by another sound. Faith had never heard anything like it. But it couldn't be good. Nothing in this world was good!
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8s TARDIS [28 Jan 2009|11:40pm]

Jenny entered the room, a big smile on her face. The afternoon at the beach had been great. She had told Prue all about her life and Prue and the doctor had told her a lot about themselves as well. Prue was a witch, which Jenny thought was fascinating.

The TARDIS was just as amazing as the people who lived in it. After having been shown her room Jenny changed and then did some exploring. She almost got lost several times. But now she had found the doctor.

"Hi dad. What are you doing?", she asked walking closer. He seemed to be working on something, but she had no idea what it was.
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[27 Jan 2009|07:32am]

After the light overwhelmed them with its blinding intensity yet lacking any heat, Jack immediately crouched down. He pulled Martha down with him so they concealed themselves behind the rubble of ruins that weren't there just a second ago.

"Damn, have we been time-warped or merely moved through space?" he wondered, looking all around for signs of the alien they were trailing. "Does this look familiar to you at all?" He had his gun in hand, as prepared as he could be for any further surprises. His blue eyes took in the broken cityscape that seemed quiet on a day with clear sunlight shining down on the ruins. All was still, save for a flock of birds flying overhead. He stared up, not sure if he knew what breed of bird those were. Ornithology wasn't one of his interests.

"I don't see him. Do you?" he asked his companion.
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another planet [27 Jan 2009|04:49am]

Jenny walked through the woods of a planet she didn't even know the name of. There didn't seem to be anything interesting here. She had dreamed of so many exciting adventures when she took off. She also hoped to find her father, Donna and Martha again. But she hadn't found them and so far most planets she went to were boring. Of course it was interesting to see the different planets, but nothing special happened. There was no running. And she loved running! Sighing Jenny decided she'd just run now, no matter if anyone was chasing her or not. Maybe she could run towards something, a town or at least some people. Someone had to be on this planet! Her space ship had picked up some readings before it went down after all. There had to be someone. She really needed someone to be here, someone who could fix her broken ship, she thought as she rushed through the woods.

After a few minutes the trees started to thin and Jenny heard waves. Soon she could see a beach. Then she stopped. There was something else. A big blue box was standing on the beach. She knew that box! She had seen it before. It was the box that belonged to her father. Could he be in there? Had she really finally found him? Or were there more boxes like this? She just simply didn't know. There was so much she didn't know.

Feeling excited and hopeful Jenny hurried over to the blue box and then nocked on it's door.
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[26 Jan 2009|07:32pm]

"A door closes one place, a window opens someplace else," Loz said as he dismounted his motorbike. "When the circle's complete, another begins. Sometimes, a entire sphere forms..."

He stopped to think, ignoring the ruins of Midgar all around him as he tried puzzling these ideas through.

"...the circles multiply and make the sphere -- kind of like materia...." His large hands, encased in black leather gloves, came together one on top of the other as if he held round materia between his palms. His green eyes narrowed so much the cat-like pupils almost couldn't be seen, but he didn't fathom how imaginary circles multiplied into anything like a globe.

Shrugging, the muscular man in black turned to enter the church. He came to Aerith's church sometimes, even though he could see her in the Lifestream at anytime since they had all died. It was possible to recreate this place in the Lifestream yet Loz returned to the physical frequently. Walking around in a body that felt the pull of gravity, he wasn't assailed by the many ideas of those who had also died. Here he could shield himself from being overwhelmed as he walked through the still intact part of the structure, moving past the remaining pews.

At the far end of the church in the part where the building had crumbled, he stopped beside a stretch of water shimmering in the sunlight. Next to the pool, Aerith's flowers thrived where the floorboards had broken away. He remembered saying "Ewww," the first time he saw the lilies. Today he just looked at them like he almost liked them, but only because Aerith had cultivated them once.

A strange sound echoed through the broken church, ringing back into the intact portion and out again so that it seemed to come from several directions at once. Surprised by the unexpected but not at all alarmed, Loz turned his head of silver hair left to right as he sought the source of the vwooorrp vwwooorrrpppp vworppppp. His verdant eyes opened wide when something not much taller than a man, nor much wider, materialised from air into a weird blue box. Loz stared at it in complete bewilderment. He hadn't heard of anything like this in the Lifestream, not even in those thoughts he only half brushed his consciousness against.

There was nothing on Gaia that felt like the blue box. He was fairly sure of this but he wished Yazoo and Kadaj were with him this particular day. Maybe they knew more about things like this oddness now sitting next to the lilies and small pool.
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