02 June 2013 @ 12:24 am
The Daily Prophet 2/6/41  
2nd June 1941 • The Wizarding World's Beguiling Broadsheet of Choice • 5 κ
By B. Bagshot
by H. Skeeter
In a landslide vote Friday afternoon, the Wizigamont voted 57 to 24 in favour of the controversial Decree 34012, called the ‘Expatriate Decree’ by it’s detractors. The decree, which will take into effect on the Twenty Third of June, will prohibit all Educational Visas for students wishing to study abroad in the autumn term. On the same token, all foreign Educational Visas will be denied, causing an estimated 120 students who previously studied in Britain's boarding schools, medical training establishments and internships, including Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry to remain in their homelands.

Headmaster Armando Dippet assured parents in the following statement, “Hogwarts will open it’s doors to her native students of all grade levels without hesitation. We are prepared for any anticipated, or unanticipated influx of youth, and welcome the variety that they will bring.”

While the specifics of voting record are sealed for 15 months following all decrees, Wizigamont member and Hogwarts Professor, Albus see: Travel pg D21

Wizards and Muggles alike were shaken from their beds in the wee hours of Monday Morning when a bomb from the German Muggle Air-Raid ‘blitz’ landed on the Ministry of Magic’s West Tower. This has been the first such attack recorded on protected Wizarding soil, since the implementation of the International Statute of Secrecy in 1692. At the time of the running of this article, death toll sits at two victims [names withheld] and 11 injured - currently being treated at St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries.

When pressed about the state of the injured, Head Healer Alma Watkins declined comment,

stating (that) “Due to the continuing investigation, we are unable to share information.” and as rubble continues to be cleared away, it is possible for the current numbers to climb.

It is unclear how many ministry employees were at the scene at the time of the bombing, Minister for Magic, Regor Hedgeplug was reported by aides to have been in his office during the time- but suffered no significant injuries. Hedgeplug is scheduled to meet with Muggle Prime Minister, Winston Churchill Monday morning to discuss the disaster, and to make an official tour of the bomb site sometime Monday afternoon.

Plain Text )
Gwendolyn Montgomery
02 June 2013 @ 01:16 am
Characters: Josephine Selwyn and OPEN
Setting: Nighbourhood close to the Ministry
Content: None
Summary: Bombings and Josie wants to inestigate

A siren! )
02 June 2013 @ 09:39 am
Where: St Mungo's
When: After the explosion at the Ministry
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete

It was Dorea's turn for the night shift and she had been expecting it to be fairly quiet )
Hermione Granger
02 June 2013 @ 09:56 am
Who: Hermione
Where: British Library & Around
When: Right after her arrival in 1941
Rating: G
Status: Complete

Hermione looked around her and immediately knew where she was no matter how impossible it should have been. )
02 June 2013 @ 08:46 pm
Characters: MM Hedgeplug & Open
Setting: London England, 2nd June, 1941(afternoon)
Content: SFW
Summary: He needs some air, but who says he deserves quiet to go with it?

Sometimes, the worst case scenarios are the best anyone can hope for. )
Jonathan Holland
02 June 2013 @ 11:19 pm
Characters: Theodore Nott and Beatrice Parkinson
Setting: Bea's bedroom
Content: PG13 for language and violence
Summary: Theodore arrives

Something wasn't right )