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megaliatron [22 Jul 2010|03:50pm]

hi everyone :) this is liana, better known as lia. shes 21 and just recently moved back to new haven, although she was here for two years before. she's a dance instructor at radical praise dance studio, and has herself been in dance classes since she was four years old. dance is really the only thing she has going for her, since she dropped out of school to get away from some *drama* last year. she's back though, and doing her best to put all of that behind her. she was raised to be tough by her strict italian family, and family/friends is extremley important to her. she can never just sit back and watch someone give her friends shit, which usually gets her involved in drama she really didn't belong in. she has a big mouth and most of the time doesn't think before she talks, which also usually gets in her trouble lmao.

i need anything for her. she doesn't have too many lines, so she can fill just about anything for you. ex-boyfriends aren't really do-able but ex-hook ups are probably fine. friends are great. people she goes out to the club and drinks with, are also great. i'd love love LOVE a brother that moved back out here with her. they wouldn't be living together, but she would have helped him get an apartment above her or something. they'd basically be best friends. i'm down for ANYTHING though. we can hash out something intresting over aim if you want, too.
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[21 Jul 2010|07:23pm]
Alright, I'm going to break the ice here!

This is Coralyne, tweny one year old french Canadian. She's been in new haven for three years after her parents divorce, she lives with her father in a two bedroom apartment but now her brother's come to stay with them so it's a little squishy. She'll probably be looking to move out in the near future by herself or maybe with a roommate.

She's studying Biology in hopes of one day becoming a Coroner, the idea of examining a body to determine the cause of death appeals to her greatly! She currently works in at a funeral home. She loves all things guts, gore and horror. As well as music, and anything to do with the internet (she's a bit of an internet nerd)

I would love to have someone play her younger brother ( He could be 18-20, pb of your choice). A future roommate maybe? Someone she can make youtube videos with, someone to jam with, a co worker? Flirty friends! A best friend, ex boyf?
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