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Lines comm

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[29 May 2018|06:07pm]
Hi everyone, I'm new and I'll be apping this girl shortly. She's a thirty year old Brooklyn transplant, and a photographer who's fairly new to the company (been employed there less than a year). Previously, she worked freelance, but the financial inconsistency (combined with her bad budgeting) was concerning and convinced her to lock down a steady job so she could afford things like rent and food without digging through her couch cushions for loose change.

At her best, she's friendly and likes to crack jokes; at her worst, her anxiety gets the better of her and she becomes very withdrawn, which has ruined relationships, both romantic and platonic, in the past. Her bio is in her journal and unlocked if anyone is interested in learning more about her.

She's wide open as far as lines go, so please don't hesitate if you think there's something she can fill for you!
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[ viewing | May 29th, 2018 ]
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