(filtered to adult guys...and Pinky- backdated to yesterday)
So I'm a crap best man, but Quinn gets married tomorrow, so I was wondering about a stag on Trinidad. I know the fog's out there, but you only get one wedding...hopefully, so you only get one stag
Based on some of the chatter I'm seeing it seems that for my birthday I get my amazingly wonderful boyfriend back to his original fantasticness. I'll take it.
Alright guys and gals, I gave y'all more than enough time to protest. And there were two whole pages of men and women that weren't! So, here is how we're going to do this, fill out the following information:
Name: Age: Do you prefer the bids of men, women, or both: Something interesting about yourself:
This should make the process a little easier:
Bidding is over!! This is what we'll be using to bid:( Bidding System )
You can offer services unique to your talents and we will decide how much extra that would be worth based on what you offer.
I'll let you ya'll know when it's time to start bidding. Don't start getting all excited just yet. It is sign up first after all.
(Filtered to Ana, Clint (both), Dean, Ernest Hemmingway, Emma Swan, Harry Dresden, Isabel Lane, Izzy Shaw, Jake Sully, Jay Gatsby, John Watson, Malcolm, Maryanne, Peggy Carter, Rodney, Sean Walker, Sherlock Holmes, Steve Rogers (all of them except the kid), Tim Dixon, Tom Sully, Tony Stark)
As most of you know, I'm a vampire. You are the people I know enough about or heard enough about to trust that you could do this. In case of an medical emergency who of you would rather become a vampire than die. I don't know if it will work for everyone of you but I can always try to turn you and there's always the possibilities that the island turns you into a plain human being and tries to kill you off then.
I can walk in daylight. I don't need blood. Photo books miss out on pictures though. Blood lust is an addiction. It can be challenging at times but I would be there to help you.