This is just your friendly neighborhood werewolf warning: There will be a full moon on Tuesday the 26th. Now normally we go into the woods to transform, Nina and I take raw chickens and drag them about in a circle, actually, so that our wolves will stay in a a specific area. Mine is quite attracted to hers, so he's often times a naughty bloke and goes to seek hers out.
Erm... Right.
The reason for this warning, is to basically warn the new people. So please, so we can avoid the accidents that happened on the unnatural full moon: Please stay out of the forest on the night of the full moon. We don't want to kill anyone, anymore than you want to be killed, and or turned. It makes us all feel incredibly guilty, because we don't remember it at all. I can't tell you how many times I've woke up in the carcass of a dead stag and I really don't remember how I got there.
So! If you find yourselves out after dark and hear a bunch of howling and growling and general carrying on, climb a tree. It seems our wolves are rubbish climbers and you'll be safe, so long as it isn't a rather thin one that can be broken in half.
I thank you. We thank you. Any questions, please feel free to ask.