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Oct. 31st, 2018


backdated to the moment the age-down ended

According to my phone, I'm missing several days. Nearly a month. Was I a jellyfish, an old spinster, a kid, a Na'vi, angel, fairy, what? Or was I just gone? I don't remember going anywhere.

Could everyone in the family let me know that you're still here? Please! Kelan, that includes you.

Oct. 25th, 2018


((Backdated to Tuesday because Becca is forgetful))

I seem to be missing a few days.

Oct. 14th, 2018


The purple ghosts people are weird-looking.

Oct. 13th, 2018


tiny computer



Oct. 4th, 2018


Open CB

Mom? Dad? Uncle Jake? Anyone? I think I got lost through a door. It's in space.

Oct. 1st, 2018


So what's happened in the less-than-eight months since I was last in this time?

Sep. 28th, 2018


Another door! This one's a bit weird, though.

It's going to Kathmandu in Nepal in 2011, but I have no idea how long we've got it for. And it's on Earth so I didn't go through so I don't know where it opens into.

Look at the plaque!
[short video clip of the plaque beside the very ornate door, showing how the end date is constantly changing]


Sep. 25th, 2018


Backdated to Sunday 23rd, afternoon

I thought this place was a dream, but I guess not. Hi.

Sep. 19th, 2018


This is not *my* ship. I want my ship.


i made a hologram porjector projector! sarah helped lots

i wanted to make hard light

Aug. 31st, 2018


I'm back. If anybody cares.

Well, not physically, not yet, but I'm in range.

Aug. 27th, 2018


Does anyone know where Shepard is? The number's grey in my phone and the Normandy's gone. I don't know if it's a station-magic thing or if she went on a trip. I could take the family ship or a Starfury and take a look, maybe do a few quick scans to see if she's close.

I don't want to lose more people.

Aug. 20th, 2018


(oops not just to the Sullys n co like she planned)

To whom it may concern,

I'm not really sure how many of you are really going to give a shit. And that's okay, really it is, because who am I? I'm nobody important, I'm just some old ass sailor that took advantage of a man ten years younger than me because he showed a little interest. Really can anyone blame me?

Right, this had a point. I'm moving me and the kids out of the apartment and into the Normandy. I can't take living in this apartment anymore. I hear them. I turn around expecting them to be there and they aren't. I wake up expecting to be able to roll over and find my husband, and I'm only greeted by cold.

I hear Addie calling me Daddy in the middle of the night. And she is just. not. there. She never will be again.

I can't be optimistic. Not right now. So it's a choice between my sanity and a few of ghosts. For the kids I have, I've got to choose sanity.

There are worse places kids have been raised. I won't be going anywhere. And JARVIS has been told to be open for visitors.

Commander Shepard, of the Normandy SR-2 signing out.

(ooc: This letter is written when she's not exactly sober.)

Jul. 18th, 2018


Backdated to yesterday

New(ish) Door! It's at [Location], and it's going back to Cuba, just after the last one closed. But we only have it for a week this time. It's not in your house this time, Mr Hemingway, though.

Jul. 10th, 2018


I was going to filter this to just the people it affects but I'm tired and sure I'd forget someone so please just ignore if you're not interested.

Baby Update )

Jun. 27th, 2018


So it turns out it was a false positive and the body has been imagining things the entire time. If you'll excuse me I'm going to go get very drunk.

Jun. 26th, 2018



I like Cuban Cuba. It is very warm.

When must I do the working now? should I look for work?

Tommy helps is helping me with English words. I hope you know my words understand me best better now. I speak and read the language on the walls of the station.

Jun. 25th, 2018


Okay, station folk, tell me things. Anything. How are all my favourite people doing? How is Cuba? What's the soap opera drama doing? What have the science people blown up yet?

I'm going crazy and it would be wonderful to talk to someone other than my family. and I have exhausted all the conversations one can have with a wolf. They included a lot of howling.

PS any recommendations for ridiculous ways to paint someone's face are welcome.

Jun. 19th, 2018


hello, I am kelan. I using translation application on communications to say in English. I say in the language in the walls.

I enjoy the place much. Kind nice persons. All clean in the place. Many food and the water. Thank.

Jun. 15th, 2018


Is there a way to add another language to the translator app on the phones? Tommy? Anybody?

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