March 2024



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July 6th, 2019

[info]sophia_peletier in [info]compass_network

Sorry! To everybody who has already had their birthdays, I do beg you to forgive me!

Steve Rogers' was the Fourth of July

Stevie Rogers' was also the Fourth

Happy Belated Birthday to you both!

Young Sarah "Mouse" Rogers' will be five on the 12th.

The quadruplets turn one!

Mackenzie Jay, Georgia Ann, John Anthony, and Malcolm Loki were born on the 16th last year!

Heather Lisinski will celebrate her birthday on the 21st

Astrid will celebrate her birthday on the 25th!

Neville Longbottom will celebrate his birthday on the 30th

and little Harriette Dresden will turn four on the 31st

Happy Birthday to you all!

[info]bill_denbrough in [info]compass_network

Hi. Could I get opinions and feedback on a story, please? I've been working on it for weeks with Mr Torrance as part of class and I want to know what people think. It's about 12,000 words or so and it's kinda creepy, sorry.

[Fake cut to Bill's story. He's clearly improved since the last story he posted on the network, and he's already started going down the Horror route. It's a story about a woman who's slowly being possessed by something. It has two narrators, the woman herself as she gradually realizes that she's being taken over and trapped in her own mind, and her boyfriend who is slower on the uptake and who eventually works out what's happening and how he has to fix it. The only "bad" part of the story is the ending, which feels slightly forced where the rest of the story flows pretty well. But Bill just wants a happy ending where the story kind of... doesn't.]