October 2009



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Sep. 16th, 2009


This is Nikola Reed, older brother to three siblings including Isobel(Ionia/Abby) and Staffan Reed. He is the red ranger for Detroit, MI. He has been a ranger for several years now. He joined up right after he graduated high school so I'm thinking that would be seven years if I'm doing the math right but I suck at math. His animal spirit is a sabertooth tiger and his power is psionic blasts. His power takes a lot out. Mostly he gets headaches but on some occasions he has fainted. He always carries around a bottle of Tylenol. He is a little more serious than his younger brother but he isn't against having some fun. Just takes a little while to get him to relax, will often let his guard down around his brother. He is extremely protective of his family, which isn't exactly a good thing with his younger brother being a ranger. He is constantly worrying about him. Family doesn't just mean blood family but the rangers under him also.

Well hopefully that intro works. I think its nice. :) :)

- Destiny


Urgh, computer issues

X_X I still don't have my laptop adapter in spite of the fact that I ordered it a while ago now. Turns out it's on backorder, and is not expected to ship until at least this Friday. I'm Canadian and it's coming from the USA so that will be 1-2 weeks for shipping depending on what area it's coming from.

*flails around in frustration* As a result, my internet access is sporadic. Please be patient with me if I owe a post somewhere.



Sorry about the slow responses, guys. RL has been kicking my butt, and will continue to do so for the next few days. About Friday or Saturday it should start clearing out again, but for now, please forgive me.

Sep. 15th, 2009


AIM update

Hey everyone! Alrighty, so I'm adding a SN so I can just chat with my PPRA buddies. I'll still be on NightmareFX999 at most times, but please add TheBrothersJohn to your list- or just don't get freaked out if I IM you from that name.



I uh... eh...

... I'm not dead. My laptop (one internet source) decided to go defunct after all the sand damage it suffered. Today was it's first day up and running, back in the world of the living. If I'm not exiled, well I'd like to hop back into the rp. I might need a bit of an update though -.-

Sep. 13th, 2009


I just got attacked by a grasshopper.

Hi! So, when I was contemplating posting an open scene for Jakub, I realized that I wasn't exactly satisfied with his personality. Or, rather, Staffan informed me that he didn't like the goofy competition. So with modbot's approval, I present to you Jakub's revamped personality. His background and character info are not changed, however:

Jakub is very outgoing and generally gets along with all kinds of people. He can't recall a person in his life that he truly had a dislike for, though he can recall several people that have annoyed him. He is a serious person by nature, though he has learned to let his guard down and lighten up from time to time. He is a very open-minded individual, and very tolerant of those around him. He is almost never angry, thanks in part to his view on life that nothing must be taken for granted. He considers himself quite intelligent, though nowhere near outstanding, but he does like to spend his free time behind the books. Jakub is very trusting. Sometimes, to a fault, and his parents swear that it will be his downfall. He is quite reliable, always following through on things he set out to do, and he is extremely hard working, never being satisfied with "just enough." He is dedicated and willing to help out in any way that he can, whatever the task at hand is. Jakub appreciates the small things in life and the people around him as well.

Naturally this is probably a complete 180 from what he was originally supposed to be, but I feel it's right now and I'll be able to tune into him more, per say. I should note that he is quite the philosopher as well, and his thinking tends to go that route quite often.

K, off to hunt down that grasshopper. Sorry for spamming the ooc community.

Sep. 11th, 2009


Hey, it's Lee! So as you all know, my internet is being really screwy. I'm actually quite lucky to be online- I think I'll be able to snag a bit of time at night, maybe. I also talked to the tech guys today, and they said it would PROBABLY be fixed by Saturday or Monday, maybe even later. Until then my time will be very limited, or possibly not even exist at all. I'm going to tag whenever I can, so I guess I'm on a semi-hiatus?

Sorry for the inconvenience guys. D= Hopefully it'll all work out soon.


Just letting everyone know -- we're holding off on the day change until the battle scene has had a chance to get more fleshed out and for a few people to be able to get back up on their rp feet. We imagine that sometime this weekend (probably Sunday) we'll do the next update. =)

Sep. 10th, 2009



Y'all already know whothis is. Heaven knows I've talked about him often enough. Heck, he's already posting in threads!


Nonetheless, here's Professor Nathan Roswell and yes, by popular demand, he does have a bio posted! He also has superfun powers that I intend to get all kinds of plotty funtimes out of, so ping me if you want me to have him fix your ass after the forces of evil play hackey-sack with it. Healing ability + tactile empathy = win.


This weekend.

They needed some coverage at work so instead of my normal hours I'm doing two 11a to 11p and it's likely gonna throw my whole schedule off. I don't know if I'll actually be on this weekend, will try to keep caught up before I head in. Sorry, gotta pay those bills.

Sep. 8th, 2009


"I'm only playing one character, I swear!"

This is Jakub (YAH-kawp), pronounce it right or he'll ignore you. He is 23, and a native of the Czech Republic, though naturalized American citizen.

Jakub is ADHD, and comes off as completely immature to most people. He is a bit of a prankster (Ethan, Erin, Tristan and Jakub = The Fab Four). He believes there's no point in not enjoying life while you're here, and that pizza is nasty =O He had to option to go to college or come to the academy, and obviously, he chose the academy, though he does enjoy studying independent subjects on his own. His animal is the dusky dolphin (dolphin > shark), and he has control over water. He's not a physical guy, he'd much prefer talking his way out of situations. He became a ranger to learn more about and try to better himself. Secretly, though, he really really wants to be a singer, and if he ever has the option to, he'd drop everything else in a heartbeat.

Ice cream fight, anyone?

OH. And he has been active for three years.

Sep. 7th, 2009




Right, well, it's Jai. I finally gave in and got myself a second character.

This is Rika, Blue Ranger for the Detroit, MI team. Hobbies include playing with her cats, smoking, skidding around on tile floors in her socks, sketching, and making junk sculptures. More info on Rika can be found here.

Sep. 6th, 2009


So tomorrow, I'm going up to my college and moving in. Ahhh! I don't know how nice the internet will be, or when I shall have the chance to get online again. Hopefully if I get there early enough I'll be able to get all moved in before orientation and stuff so I can have some me time at night. If not, I'll be on again the day after or something. Sorry to keep on vanishing! Hopefully this will be the last of it for a while. Until then! <3


Relevant to your interests Y/Y?

So you guys will never guess what I found while going through some old stuff.

Read more... )

Sep. 5th, 2009


Hi its Destiny again!!

Coming in with another character. Isn't it fabulous?

James Copper is nineteen years old and comes from the small town of Bonanza, Colorado. He is the new yellow ranger of the Seattle, WA team. He has only been a ranger for two months. You can read all about him here

Like I said bad with intros.

Sep. 4th, 2009


The Beginner's Guide to Clarke Nicknames

There's been a request that I publish all of the nicknames that Clarke intends to use for everyone's characters, so sitting down I came up with most of them.  There's still a few I have yet to stumble upon, but I will in time.  If for any reason anyone finds these offensive....for whatever reason....let me know and I will change them.  Game on.

EthanHey Kid
AngelaQueen Bee
DesmondTBD (I have a team working night and day)
KatherineKit Kat
KamalTrans Am
StaffanNew Guy
EvelynThe Ozzie
DominicCue Ball


No biggie, but real quick:

We are some of the nicest mods you're going to find. Ever. We expand the game at the request of our players, we go out of our way to be available, we make fun plots (some of it still a ways off), we alter things to better suit the game, we've spent days worth of time individually emailing over several hundred people in order to recruit, we've given out our phone numbers, we're receptive to everyone -- and most importantly, we love this game. If you need to talk to us about something, please talk to us about it. We cannot help or change things if we do not know about the problems to begin with. I cannot explain to any of you how much time we have collectively sank into this game. The amount of time deciding how to run it, the world to create, the opportunities we wanted to hand out, the advertisements, etc, was extensive and it was exhausting - but worth it. This game is incredibly important to the both of us and the last thing we want is for it to meet a brutal end brought on by ooc drama.

So because we have a lot of new people, here is my phone number again: 734-649-5950. Here is Gynelle's: 734-709-8336. If you need to get in contact with a moderator, use those digits. Text us. Email us. IM us. We are not going to be mean. We will never play favorites. We love this game and all of the players in it and even Sara. <3




O hai guyz! I'm Mani. Naturally, I'm a big fan of the power rangers. Despite bringing in a red ranger, blue's been my favorite since day one. But secretly, I always rooted for Bulk and Skull. Looking forward to playin' with y'all!

In his former life, Hank was a Ranger in the US Army. That was 8 years ago. As one of the first rangers recruited for Project PR, he's older than most active rangers and plenty more battle-worn altogether. Leading the Los Angeles-focused team, he's bound to be a bit of a hard ass, but that's just because he cares about his teammates' safety and the mission's success.

Hank likes to keep his relationships social but not too personal. He's happy to bond over a drink with you, but don't expect him to open up. He's the guy you can lean on without ever expecting to reciprocate. Yeah, he's a bit of a (self)control freak, but a total straight-shooter.

As for storyline, he's open for anything! Feel free to PM or catch me on AIM @ comickaze8614.

Edit: Oh lordy, is Hank's team on a camp-out?! He LOVES camping. Just saying.


>_< My laptop's charger is not working anymore. Naturally, this is about a month and a little bit past my extended warranty. Naturally, this is also when I am relying on my laptop as my primary computer.

That being said, I won't be around much at all until I get myself a new charger.

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