October 2009

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August 19th, 2009

[info]ariston in [info]communicators

That is you getting fried, get over it. Ariston is a badass mercenary villain who doesn't give a damn about anybody but himself and will only do work when it is in his best interests. But don't get in his way, because if you cross him once, he'll hunt you down for life.

[info]ethanlworth in [info]communicators

Hey Everyone! Meet Ethan Lennon Worth! He's a 26 year old goof-off with mystical visions and cosmic vibrations. Raised by two new age hippies who where into hindi and bhuddisim, Ethan is a sweet and outgoing guy who loves on being on team L.A and loves the work of being a ranger. All the stuff that's going down currently of course, throws him off -- but he's willing to work hard to keep the world safe.

Please hit me up for any potential scenes with Ethan here. He's a cutie! (Note: He normally doesn't wear glasses)

[info]ansel_brock in [info]communicators


So this is Aryn again, with a professor this time.

Ansel teaches the 1st year Equipment Repair class. When he's not doing that he's likely either grading papers in his office or finding something to fix. He's not a people person. If you come to him to talk about personal issues he's going to rant at you to leave him alone, but if you need something fixed he'll likely do so without question...unless you're a student, in which case you will be fixing it with him. He doesn't like loud people, but is kinder towards quiet people. He respects blues as his sister used to be one, except Erin (he avoids Erin).

He believes that if you're a ranger that you'll probably be dead at some point. If you don't die than your extermely lucky. He also wants to do whatever he can to help rangers live longer.

[info]erinkirsche in [info]communicators

Quick note on Erin!

Hey, sorry to have to make this quick note buuuut... I wasn't very clear about Erin's "power" and I wanted to kinda make sure I addressed it sooner rather than later. His lucky thing isn't something that most people would really be aware of; Erin isn't really sure completely what his powers entail. It's more of a "bad things happen around him and leave him completely untouched" sorta situation. It's kinda never really been figured out entirely, so people would be a little wary of him, but not enough to be afraid to hang out with him or anything. I think it would be - for the most part - difficult for people to pinpoint that it's him that's bringing the bad stuff around Campus (and into battles, etc). Also, it's not like it'll happen all the time or anything either. xD

So, carry onward and try not to fear him too much. He does need friends that aren't constantly checking over their shoulders. xD