October 2009

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July 2nd, 2009

[info]imagine_me_here in [info]communicators

Hiatus, whaaaat~

Yeah, I hate to do this so soon after the game starting but being out of town with no net access equals no RPing for me. Gone from today (July 2nd, 2009) till July 9th, 2009. Will return and jump back into things. :3 Have fun guys.

[info]desmondcormac in [info]communicators


This is Desmond Cormac -- Your local British bitch boy.

He's twenty-four years old, and the son of two wealthy British elietes. He wanted to be a male model and fashion designer -- because of this he often wears incredibly out-landish and bizarre costumes while not in uniform -- but his parent's staunchly insisted that he become a ranger.

He's a black ranger, though without the typical dedication found in other's of his color, and can be a bit catty or short with people.

He is heterosexual and insecure about that.

[info]quinn_reeve in [info]communicators

Hi, I'm Rivulet or Aryn. My e-mail is Raider at yahoo.com and I have a yim account under that name. I'll work on getting aim next week since it seems more people have that. Weekends are when I'm most busy as that's when I work. I'll do my best to check in those nights, but I'm most free during Mon-Thus. I also have a livejournal under Rivulet027 which I use quite a bit and a IJ [info]rivulet027 that's just for fanfic so I don't use it that often.

I'm currently playing two character.

[info]adina_lee is a yellow and high spirted. She's enthusiastic and will try to make friends wherever she can. I'm using Kristen Kreuk to play her.

[info]quinn_reeve is a green and very laid back. He's observent and a bit on the quiet side. I'm using Seth Green to play him.

Both my chars are bi.

I'm looking forward to playing with all of you! Let's have som fun.