Saturday, December 26th, 2015

Late Owl Delivery! Christmas Gifts from Tracey

All gifts were carefully wrapped and had a card that read Happy Christmas from Tracey Davis

Under the cut! )
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Thursday, December 24th, 2015

Happy Holidays from Pheonix Ashes and the Nott Family.

Each gift is wrapped and sent with a gift card to Phoenix Ashes.

gifts behind here. )
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Christmas presents from Silvie (via owl)

An owl arrives the morning of Christmas Eve to the appropriate homes/workplaces/etc. Holiday gifts wrapped in wintery blue & silver: Sample. A short note reads --

Merry Christmas! All my love, Silvie
Gifts. )
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Adrian's Christmas owl deliveries

An owl arrives afternoon of the 23rd to the appropriate homes/workplaces/etc. Holiday gifts delivered in gift bags: Sample. A short note reads --

Merry Christmas! - Adrian
Gifts. )
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Monday, December 21st, 2015

Dec 21, 2005 - Owl Delivery

For the sake of Holiday promptness an owl was delivered to those below containing holiday gifts from Gale Rosier. The items were wrapped in Red & White Stripes and completed with fancy bows (Sample). Characters can open now or on the actual day they're meant to be opened. No directions included.

Penelope Clearwater, Percy Weasley, Silviya Capper, Miles Bletchley, Adrian Pucey, Pansy Parkinson, Alexander Higgs, Hannah Abbott, Terrence HIggs, Theodore Nott, Tracey Davis, The Quigleys, and all Wicon Actors/Performers/etc )
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Monday, December 14th, 2015

Magi-Mail to Theodore


7:13 PM (02 hours ago)

TO: Theodore Nott

FROM: Silviya Capper

SUBJECT: movie date?
Sorry to magi-mail, but I'm dashing this off from Mum & Dad's house. I saw an ad today at work, they made a (muggle) movie of The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe and it just came out in cinemas. Would you and Vissa like to go? Has she done the muggle movies? Oh, Mum's calling to help finish cooking dinner, I should run, but let me know?
MADE BY TESSISAMESS···································
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Sunday, December 6th, 2015

Texts from Silviya

7:02 PM | I'm loving my winter shooting hiatus, but when does WiCon close for the holidays?

7:06 PM | Are you guys shooting still? When are you free for a drink?

8:10 PM | We're finally on holiday shoot break!
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Saturday, November 14th, 2015

Owl: To Theo & Vissa

I was in Munich on location all of this past week and I saw these adorable hand-made dolls, I thought Vissa might like one. I hope she likes it.

I'm back in London tomorrow, are you free at all this week?
~ Silviya
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Friday, November 13th, 2015

Texts from Adrian

5:55AM | You're making it to mum & dad's sunday right? I can't.
5:57AM | Do you do weekend runs? I go Saturdays.
5:59AM | Housemate, old Friend. How are you? How's the little one? Leanne's birthday is coming up and I think I'll stop into the shop soon to get her something unique, if you have any thoughts?
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Monday, October 12th, 2015

Text from the WiPhone of Theodore B. Nott

7:00 PM | Silvie, I am a fool to leave this to the last minute like this. Are you busy tomorrow night?
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Sunday, October 4th, 2015

Texts to Theo, Penelope

Sunday night: Theo
10:45 PM | I had a good time Friday night.
Sunday night: Penelope
10:45 PM | Can we have lunch together this week?
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Tuesday, September 29th, 2015

Texts from Silviya


6:10 PM | I have a delicious bottle of Elvish wine and no one to share it with.
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Saturday, September 5th, 2015

Phone Call to Theodore Nott

Tracey heard her phone go off, but she couldn't reach it right away. After a couple of minutes, and giving her staff their typical goals and jobs for the night, Tracey pulled her phone from one of her pockets and started chewing the side of her cheek. Damn it, Theo. Way to freak a girl out. Slipping away to her office, she called her friend.
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Friday, September 4th, 2015


Text to Silviya Capper
10:12 PM| Miss Capper, you would be pleased to know that your book is coming along well. Would you like to come see the process, or wait until it is finished?

Text to Tracey Davis
10:15 PM| Trace, whenever you get this, give me a call.
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Monday, August 31st, 2015

owl'd note to Theodore Nott

Theodore, I thought I might finally send this along to you. It's a beautiful first edition, but it's obviously begun to show his age. Not quite bad for almost 250 years old, but not nearly as old as some of the books in Hogwarts' library, so I know I should probably be ashamed by it's state.

Mostly, I'm worried about how brittle the pages have gotten and the binding itself. Can you save it?

I'm going to end this note before I begin rambling (you'd think as a writer, I'd better be able to self-edit?

Cost isn't an issue, but let me know if you've the time to work on this, if not, I totally understand.

Best, Silviya

attached: 1st Edition of The Castle of Otranto, Silvie's prized book.
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