Collision OOC

Run it! @ 09:21 pm

Hey all! First please run the F-button to add Laurie into the fold with Astoria Greengrass!

Then the Mod-Drone has just a few more notifications: first the premise will be completed here tonight so then the game pages are officially done so have a look around, ad is going out tomorrow so hold any characters you may want and there will be daily plots coming up for Fridays open! So any ideas, suggestions, wants and don't wants can be run through me.

Thanks again! You guys truly amazing.

Greetings and Salutations! @ 09:28 pm

Hey there, hi there! I'm Laurie and am bringing you Astoria Greengrass. I am seriously horrible at these intro posts so let's see what I end up saying here, shall we? Little bit about me, I'm a SAHM of a kindergardener and a preschooler. So between the hours of 9 AM and 1:30 PM I am usually floating around the house and have the 'puter on so ping me if you want to talk or plot or anything. I'm on AIM @ ragebrokenhearte.

Astoria's still reeling about being out of school and having nothing to really do with her life. She's been raised to be a socialite and a trophy wife. Yanno, the average bubble-headed rich girl, even if there is a brain hidden under all those blonde curls. A woman should never be smarter than her husband after all. Yes, go ahead and roll your eyes... I do it every time. LOL. So, don't be surprised if your characters run into her while she's in shopping mode. She does a lot of that. Is interested in charities, simply because its what the socialites do. And yadda yadda yadda. Meh. Anyway you can find her bio over here

So... plottage? chatting? anything?

Collision OOC