Aug. 18th, 2008 @ 03:24 pm Need some coffee
location: library
Current Mood: contemplative

I'm heading to none of my favorite spots for coffee after leaving here to grap some iced coffee. One thing I didn't get to do yesterday though was actually go out for coffee. I love going my neighborhood Starbucks (I actually would go to a small mom and pop place if I new of one in my area but I like Starbucks too). I wanted more than just the cup of coffee. I wanted to relax in an overstuffed chair. I wanted to listen to the conversations around me. I wanted to hear the noises of the espresso maker. I even wanted to hear the grind of the blenders.

I wanted to smell the smells. It's more than just coffee. It's also an entire experience rolled up into a cup o' joe. I think next Friday, I'm going to treat myself. :)
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