June 10th, 2011

[info]roadmaps in [info]coachseat


One More Thing: If you'd be interested in writing an article (by American wizarding or maybe even muggle journalists), drop me a comment below and I'll get back to you about what I need within the coming three days! Even if you already volunteered because I'll forget.

This got longer than I expected it to be. )

[info]eckeltric in [info]coachseat

I feel really terrible about this, but I need to take a few days off.

I'm on various medications, a number of which I'm out of at the moment, and they won't be arriving in the mail til around Tuesday, Wednesday next week, and that's hoping things go on schedule. It's anxiety stuff, and without it it's really hard for me to even make comments - it makes RPing hellish instead of fun. It's generally just an unpleasant situation all around. I should be fine once I have the meds, but until then I need a break.

Sorry about this, but there's not much I can do. Thanks for understanding. I love you guys.

[info]codarac in [info]coachseat

Inactivity notice

I will not be online regularly until Tuesday (my time) Wednesday (US time). My grandfather has fallen ill and has been taken to the hospital and my grandmother who has dementia has to stay with my mum and I, which means we need to keep an eye on her, etc.

Apologies for the convenience, and when I get back I've got a bit of an idea to stir the RP pot a bit, so it'll give you something to look forward to ;)