March 14th, 2011

[info]roadmaps in [info]coachseat

Plot Post #12

Plot Post #12 )

[info]scaritone in [info]coachseat


My darlings,

I keep thinking that I'll have more time than I do once I'm off this overtime, but with supporting Disneyland Tokyo these last few horrific days, I'm not seeing life letting up anytime soon. :/ So rather than fading out with the activity check, I thought I'd peace out and give you guys a hug and wish you the best of luck! I can be found over at [info]fatherguacamole and I really hope to keep in touch. It's been a TON of zany fun and I'm sure that you guys will continue to have equal awesome wherever you crazy kids travel.

<3 Take care!

- Whit

[info]moonbreaks in [info]coachseat


Iona here, bringing in character numero dos. This is Orin Turner, OC Werewolf extraordinaire. Orin is seventeen, an ex-Ravenclaw, and spent most of his childhood bumming around the UK with Fenrir Greyback's pack. He's one of Greyback's child victims that got snatched up and raised to think that werewolves are oh so cool and wizards suck. Fenrir's brought him to Peru on Official Pack Business aka Project Be Fenrir's Number One Fan. He loves Star Wars and making cannibalism puns. Fun times!

Contact info's the same. HEY WE SHOULD PLOT. :DD