January 12th, 2011

[info]son_of_abraxas in [info]coachseat

To commemorate the awesome moment when I loaded up [info]roadmaps and got the magical awesome surprise of my morning, I wanted to direct all of you to this video. Load [info]roadmaps first though. Go ahead, I'll wait. Then come back to watch a video from one of the best Youtube video-makers of ALL TIME. No warnings apply to the video itself. It's probably the most wholesome and clean fun outside of... well- it's totally rare. It's totally more wholesome than we are, that's for damn sure.

Cut, because the title of this youtube video will spoil the surprise! )

[info]roadmaps in [info]coachseat


You'll see what this is later.

[info]roadmaps in [info]coachseat

Plot Post #3

Plot Post #3 )

[info]alectrocity in [info]coachseat

important: do this shit before you pack your bags for romania

Please note which of these four categories your character will be a part of for the Romanian plot. Leave your character’s name in a reply to the according comment: First Wave of Order Members, Second Wave of Order Members, First Wave of Death Eaters, Second Wave of Death Eaters. For Second Wave Order Members and Second Wave Death Eaters ONLY, please note the change of the known information about your character (i.e. if your character works for the Ministry or Prophet, coming second wave offers the opportunity for them to retain their PUBLIC allegiance to the MoM/Prophet, yet are secretly loyal to the Order/DE working as secret agents, if you will)

Descriptions of each category under here. )