Fanfic by Clo - June 11th, 2005 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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June 11th, 2005

One-shot: Pretend (G, Andy Roddick, Roger Federer) [Jun. 11th, 2005|10:55 pm]


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Title: Pretend
Rating: G
Pairing: Pre-slash, faintly implied future Andy/Roger
Summary: Andy’s heard about Roger being injured and he’s not happy.
Notes:Set around the thirteenth of October 2005, after Roger announced that he’d injured his foot during practice. Written, at least in part, for the [info]fanfic100 challenge but not really fitting to any of the prompts, so I'm using up one of my writer's choices. So this is #096.
Disclaimer: Don't own them, anything to do with them, am not them, etc. Making no money, I'm just playing with the pretty people for a while.

Pretend )
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