Fanfic by Clo - June 9th, 2005 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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June 9th, 2005

One-shot: In His Absence (G, Andy Roddick) [Jun. 9th, 2005|10:14 pm]


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Title: In His Absence
Rating: G
Pairing: None
Summary: At Wimbledon 2006, Andy goes through the two weeks trying to hide only to come to a realisation after the final.
Notes: Andy's POV, set around a hypothetical -- god I hope it's only hypothetical -- Wimbledon 2006. Because I had a plot bunny that would not go away and it turned into this. I want to put a warning on it but I don't want to influence the way people read it and it's not so explicit, I don't think. Um.
Dedications: For [info]scoobydumblonde for telling me to post it. :)
Disclaimer: Not mine, never happened, hopefully never will.

In His Absence )
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