Fanfic by Clo - May 9th, 2005 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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May 9th, 2005

Sequel to Can't Not. [May. 9th, 2005|11:45 am]


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[feeling |drained]

Title: Don’t Think They’d Understand
Rating: R
Pairing: Roddick/Federer, implied Federer/Fish, very faint hints of Roddick/Fish.
Summary: Love. Ownership. Control. Roger’s learnt the difference.
Warnings: This trilogy took the fluff bunny and ripped it to pieces. Cutting, blood, bondage, mentions of rape, more I’ve probably missed. If you’re looking for sunshine and happiness, definitely skip this one because they ain’t here.
Disclaimer: Mine? Nope. For which they’re probably very glad right now. This is *fiction* people. Reality is probably much nicer.
Dedications: For [info]scoobydumblonde and [info]liroa15 who are awesome. I don't tell them that nearly enough.
Notes: Sequel to ‘Can’t Not’, because Andy lost and I threatened him with this. And because I have sadistic plot bunnies. Title comes from Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls, who surprised me by saying what I wanted to far more eloquently than I could a few times when I was writing this. Unedited, sorry. I really need some sleep today.

Don’t Think They’d Understand )
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