Pass the CLex's Journal
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Below are the 1 most recent journal entries recorded in Pass the CLex's InsaneJournal:

    Friday, May 30th, 2008
    1:35 am
    Intro post

    Well, seen as it is my comm, I thought I'd explain a few things.
    I created a comm of the same name on lj, and there is the most intense, angsty 40+part WiP there!
    SO, I thought I'd start another story over here...and am cheating by using the beginning of a clexfic that I myself had started but was never able to finish.

    It only has one main plotpoint:
    Jonathon helps get Clark and Lex together

    So, my next post will be the beginning of chapter one of the story.
    If you think of something you would like to add, start doing so in the comments - don't forget to leave your final sentence unfinished, to allow for the next writer to continue!!!
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